Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Once again another passage from Luke is Exposed !!

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." 
(Luke 23:34)


Luke 23:34 is one of the most famous sayings of the Bible because it is one of the so called apparent seven last words of Christ from the cross: “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” It's a saying nearly all Christian Pastors deliver or shall I say hammer down during there Sermon.

Well guess what? this is gonna HURT CHRISTIANS that saying that Christians brag about never was said by Jesus, it's not found in the most earliest and ancient manuscripts, it's a later addition, a fabricated verse by later scribes... 

Let us read what bibles scholars have to say? :


Bruce Metzger, in A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Second Edition (New York: United Bible Societies, 1994, pages 154, writes:

The absence of these words from... early and diverse... witnesses is most impressive and can scarcely be explained as a deliberate excision by copyists who, considering the fall of Jerusalem to be proof that God had not forgiven the Jews, could not allow it to appear that the prayer of Jesus had remained unanswered. At the same time, the logion, though probably not a part of the original Gospel of Luke, bears self-evident tokens of its dominical origin, and was retained, within double square brackets, in its traditional place where it had been incorporated by unknown copyists relatively early in the transmission of the Third Gospel.


Jesus and the New Age according to St. Luke: A Commentary on the Third Gospel, by Frederick W. Danker (St. Louis: Clayton Publishing, 1972, page 237) comments:

The prayer in vs. 34 is in such harmony with the spirit of Luke's gospel and his picture of Jesus that it is difficult to question its authenticity. Yet is even more difficult to account for its omission in a number of manuscripts. It has indeed been argued that the prayer was omitted because of a conviction that the destruction of Jerusalem was God's judgment for the crucifixion, but a similar omission does not appear at Acts 2:38-39, where forgiveness is proclaimed to Israel. It is more probable that the prayer uttered by Stephen (Acts 7:60) suggested a parallel utterance for the passion account. Also, in its present position it interrupts Luke's sketch of the mockery and destroys the dramatic impact of the word addressed to the repentant outlaw (vs. 43). In vs. 43. If the words were originally included by Luke, they inform the reader that Jesus did not threaten his executioners, as the condemned were accustomed to do, but rather accepted his death as a faithful witness should. Thus in the Martyrdom of Isaiah (5:14) the prophet is praised for neither crying aloud nor weeping when he was sawn apart. By contrast, the psalmist cries for vengeance (Psalm 69:22-28; see on Luke 23:46).


The New American Bible (World Catholic Press, 1987, includes the following footnote:

This portion of v 34 does not occur in the oldest papyrus manuscript of Lk and in other early Greek manuscripts and ancient versions of wide geographical distribution.


The Revised English Bible (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1996, includes the following footnote:

Some witnesses omit Jesus said, 'Father...doing.'


The Complete Text of the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts, Philip Comfort in New Testament Text and Translation Commentary (p239f.) writes:

The omission of these words in early and diverse manuscripts (the earliest being Papyrus 75) cannot be explained as a scribal blunder. But were the words purposely excised? … It is easier to explain that the words were not written by Luke but were added later (as early as the second century–for it is attested to by Hegesippus [who ascribes the saying to James in Acts] and the Diatessaron)… My guess is that the words were added to make Jesus the model for Christian Martyrs–of offering forgiveness to one’s executioners…. 


There you go another blow on Christians..... Shows how Christians preach a saying which never was said by there so called saviour... They should feel ashamed of themselves after reading this.... This knocks down the last seven so called words to six right lol

SHAME  !!!

Narrated 'Abdullah: As if I saw the Prophet talking about one of the prophets whose nation had beaten him and caused him to bleed, while he was cleaning the blood off his face and saying, "O Allah! Forgive my nation, for they have no knowledge."

http://www.searchtruth.com/book_disp...t=0&number=683 (http://www.searchtruth.com/book_display.php?book=56&translator=1&start=0&number=683)

There is absolutly 0 evidence to suggest this is talking about Jesus(pbuh). In fact most scholars believe this could be refering to either Noah(pbuh) or Prophet Muhamamd(pbuh).

Ibn Hajar al Asqalani in his commentary on the hadith says that it is possible that it is referring to Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) since Ibn Ishaq narrates that once when Noah was choked until he lost consciousness and then when he woke up he said "Oh Allah forgive my people for they know not".

Ibn Hajar also quotes Imam Qurtubi and Ibn Hibban who stated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) is most likely speaking about himself.

During the battle of Uhud when the Meccans were surrounding the Prophet (peace be upon him) and were about to kill him and the Prophet (peace be upon him) had blood on his face, he exclaimed, "O Allâh, forgive my people for they have no knowledge." (See Ibn Hajar, Fathul Bari, Kitab: Ahaadeeth Al Anbiya', Bab: Hadeeth Al Ghaar, Hadith no. 3218, Source (http://hadith.al-islam.com/Display/Display.asp?Doc=0&ID=6265&SearchText=æÌåå&SearchType=exact&Scope=0&Offset=20&SearchLevel=QBE))

This story from the Battle of Uhud is found in the wonderful book "The Sealed Nectar"...

At-Tabarani states that the Prophet [pbuh] said: "Allâh's Wrath is great on those who besmear the face of His Messenger," observed silence for a short while and then resumed saying:

"O Allâh, forgive my people for they have no knowledge." [Fath Al-Bari 7/373]
In Sahih Muslim it is stated that the Messenger of Allâh [pbuh] said:
"My Lord, forgive my people for they have no knowledge." [Sahih Muslim 2/108]
In Ash-Shifa ' a book by 'Ayad Al-Qadi ' it is related that the Prophet [pbuh] said:
"O Allâh, guide my people for they have no knowledge." [Ash-Shifa 1/81] (Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (THE SEALED NECTAR), Chapter: The Battle of Uhud, Source (http://www.witness-pioneer.org/vil/Books/SM_tsn/ch4s7.html#The Most Awkward Hour in the Messenger's Life))

True or False?

Almost all Christians  claim they have the Holy Spirit with them (or inside them). This is the point when they start to prophesy and boast they were inspired by the Holy Spirit but, the  question is, how do they know they don't have an "Evil Spirit" with them? It's Clear from the Bible Yahweh has "Two Spirits" which possesses  humans, one "Good the other Evil"


Now the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD terrorized him. (1 Samuel 16:14)

("The evil spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied.")
The next day an evil spirit from God came forcefully on Saul. He was prophesying in his house, while David was playing the lyre, as he usually did. Saul had a spear in his hand(1 Samuel 18:10)

What's worse Paul the founder of Christianity wasn't aware if he had the Holy Spirit yet Christians claim they have lol

Yet in my judgment she is happier if she remains as she is. And I think that I too have the Spirit of God. (1 Corinthians 7:40)


Christians are in big trouble  unless they can prove to us they have the  "Good Spirit" from Yahweh  not the "Evil Spirit" ASK THEM FOR PROOF AND WATCH THEM TURN TO INSULTS!!

(don't forget to ask them how does God have Good and Evil Spirits within him? )

Jewish Oral law

The Oral Law includes all that Moses learned from G‑d by heart which he did not write down, but transmitted orally to his successors. This tradition passed on from generation to generation. The Oral Law also includes edicts and ordinances enacted by the sages throughout the generations, and laws and teachings extrapolated from the Torah's verses -- employing methodology prescribed by Moses (as he was instructed by G‑d).
Click here for a detailed description of the course of tradition.

From Moses until Rabbi Judah the Prince (Rabbenu Hakadosh) the traditional laws were thus learnt by heart and handed down from generation to generation orally. In the 3rd century CE, Rabbenu Hakadosh realized that because of growing hardships and persecutions the Jews might not be able to retain by memory all these traditional laws, so he decided to record them. Being both a great scholar and a man of considerable means, he gathered around him the greatest scholars of his time and recorded all the traditional laws and interpretations of the Torah that they had learnt from their teachers. All this vast knowledge he arranged into six sections:
  1. Zeraim-"Seeds"-agricultural laws;
  2. Moed-"Season"-laws of Sabbath and Festivals;
  3. Nashim-"Women"-marital laws;
  4. Nezikin- "Damages"-civil and criminal laws;
  5. Kodshim- "Holy Things"-laws of Sacrifices;
  6. Taharot- "Purities" - laws of ritual purity.
Each section was further subdivided into tractates, "Mesichtot," each tractate into chapters, and each chapter into Mishnot (sub-sections).

The Mishnah was written very concisely, without much discussion or background information. Rabbenu Hakadosh's disciples later compiled the "Toseftot" and "Beraitot" where the subjects of the Mishnah are examined at greater length. The great scholars living after the redaction and completion of the Mishnah, who studied, examined, discussed and interpreted the Mishnah, were called "Amoraim" (meaning "teachers" or "interpreters").
The Mishnah was studied in the great Yeshivot of Israel and Babylon for several centuries. Finally, in the 5th century, Rabbi Ashi, one of the greatest scholars of his time, a man combining both scholarship and wealth, realizing that the growing troubles and sufferings of the Jewish people might cause many of the laws and interpretations of the Mishnah which had been handed down traditionally for many generations, to be forgotten, decided to write them down.
Together with his contemporary, Ravina, and other heads of the Yeshivot in Babylon, they gathered and compiled the Talmud (or Gemarah) -- the Babylonian Talmud, which Jews hold sacred and study to this very day. Some one hundred years earlier, the scholars of Israel had already compiled and arranged the Jerusalem Talmud, which -- although not as authoritative as its Babylonian counterpart -- is also held sacred and studied by scholars to this day.
Rabbanan Sevurai

The scholars who lived after the redaction of the Talmud, were known as Rabbanan Sevurai (Rabbis - interpreters). They subtracted nothing from the Talmud; they merely interpreted it.

The great Babylonian scholars, successors to the Rabbanan Sevurai, were called Geonim ("geniuses"). For many years they headed the great Babylonian academies. The last one of them was Hai Gaon.
Rishonim and Acharonim

After the Geonim lived the great scholars: Rabbenu Chananel, Rabbi IsaacAlfasi, Rabbi Joseph ibn Migash, RashiRambam (Maimonides) and others. Rashi (Rabbi Solomon Itzchaki) won immortal fame by his commentaries on the Torah and Talmud, without which it would now be almost impossible to understand either; and Maimonides by his Mishneh Torah ("Repetition of the Law") -- a codification of all the laws of Israel. The grandsons of Rashi together with other great scholars of their time compiled the "Tosefot" commentaries on the Talmud. The scholars who lived approximately the first 500 years after the turn of the millennium are called "Rishonim" (the "first" scholars).
Various great scholars of the following years, known  as "Acharonim" ("latter" sages), gathered the final decisions and settlements of disputed laws, as codified by the Rishonim and arranged them. The most outstanding of them was: the "Author of the Turim," Rabbi Jacob son of the Rabbi Asher. Later, Rabbi Joseph Caro reexamined and recast the law-decisions and arranged them in his famous work the Shulchan Aruch, the famed Code of Jewish Law, so that every Jew could learn and understand them.
The holy Torah--the Written Torah and the Oral Torah--is the Divine gift that G‑d has given us through Moses, on Mount Sinai. This selfsame Torah was handed down by Moses to his successor Joshua, and so on from generation to generation to the present day. As G‑d is eternal, so the Torah which He has given is eternal, and through studying the Torah and observing the precepts and commandments of the Torah, the Jewish people are also eternal.

Is Isa AS [Jesus] a Muslim?

The question posed by Christians is, how is Jesus a Muslim according to the Qur’an, alternatively where did Jesus call himself a Muslim?  ...