Sunday, 30 July 2017

God is not a man

Here’s another dilemma Christians fall into. many Christians try to use a straw man argument to prove that God was a man who dwelt on earth. I won’t make this into a lengthy article, all I’ll do is show from the Bible, a few verses which disagrees with Christians on this matter.
Recently I wrote a paper where I gave 21 points from the Bible to show how Jesus could not have been God. well an objection was made by a Christian, where she said any of you here show me where GOD says HE CAN'T become a man..” .
I wasn’t surprised to read her question. What annoyed me was she kept on repeating the same question, “show me where God said he can’t be a man.” here’s my response who such a desperate attempt to prove God was a man who dwelt on earth.
Now the Bible “Specifically”, the Old Testament is explicit that God is not a man, take for example:
God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19)
And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent. (1 Samuel 15:29)
Reading the two verses, one can conclude God is not a man. however Christians being Christians tend to twist what they think could be an obstacle to their belief. They would say God is not a man that he should lie. Man lies God doesn’t, the verses are not saying God cannot be a man rather he does not lie like a man. before we refute this claim let’s move on to the next few verses.

 Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. (Psalm 143:6)

 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. (Psalm 118:8)

 Don't put your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. What good are they? (Isaiah 2:22)

The question is if God became a man, then why did he say not to trust a man? is that not a clear-cut contradiction. In other words, if God became a man then we should not truth him. Which means Jesus should not be trusted at all since he was a man. do you see the problem Christians fall into. it’s funny how the Jews deny God becoming a man at any point of time. They quote Numbers 23:19 as proof text to reject any such misunderstanding that God ever became a man.

So next time Christians ask you show me where God said he can’t be a man. quote the above verses stating how can God be a man when no one would trust him?

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