Thursday, 9 November 2017

Prostitutes as wives?

"Which of the two did what his father wanted?" "The first," they answered. Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes will get into the Kingdom of God before you do. (Matthew 21:31)


The above parable which Jesus was telling the Jews has a very Interesting message. If you read from verse 21, Jesus has a parable to offer to the Jews in order to show them that John the Baptist came to show the way of righteousness but the Jews rejected it. Notice after Jesus asked them which of the two sons did what his father asked, the Jews replied the first. Jesus countered their  reply by saying, "TRULY I TELL YOU, THE TAX COLLECTORS AND PROSTITUTES WILL GET INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD BEFORE YOU".

Just for the record, when Jesus answered back this wasn't a parable it was a personal statement made by him.


No wonder Jesus said whoever leaves their wives will get hundred times more in the kingdom of God? Seems like these hundred wives will be prostitutes.

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or WIFE or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. (Matthew 19:29)

None can change the Word of Allah Swt

Surah 5 68. Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But sorrow thou not over (these) people without Faith.

The above verse is telling the people of the Book you have no ground to stand on unless u stand  fast by the law the Gospel. (Note it reads GOSPEL AND GOSPELS, Singular not Plural) AND ALL THE REVELATIONS THAT HAS COME FROM THE LORD (ALLAH SWT) and not men like Mark Matthew Luke john Paul etc.... This verse is a confirmation that original scriptures were sent from Allah Swt.


Surah 5:47. Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.
We can see from the above verse Allah Swt is telling the People of the Gospel again not Gospels but Gospel ( Singular not Plural) to judge from the Gospel by what ALLAH SWT HAS REVEALED ( find what Allah Swt has revealed therein, if you can't Allah Swt has revealed then you don’t have the original Gospel which was revealed to Prophet Jesus? Pbuh


Surah 10:94. If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt.

Many Christians such as yourself don't do your research and misquote this verse, the above verse is referring to the pagans of arabia. The verse instructs them, if they are in doubt on what Allah Swt has revealed to Prophet Muhammed Pbuh, then ask those who read the Book I.e the Jews. since the pagan arabs never heard the stories of the Prophets so in order to assure them this is the truth let them ( Pagans ) go ask the people of the Book to verify if Moses Pbuh was raised up in the house of pharaoh, if Moses Pbuh left for median and came to pharaoh with his brother Aaron Pbuh and if the sea split in to allow the Children of Isreal to cross etc..


Surah 10:64. For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and in the Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme felicity.

None can change or alter 

(and none can alter the Words of Allah.) This refers to His decision that victory in this life and the Hereafter is for His believing servants. For (6:34)

Allah said in other Ayat,

(And, verily, Our Word has gone forth of old for Our servants, the Messengers. That they verily would be made triumphant. And that Our hosts, they verily would be the victors.) 37:171-173﴿, and, (Allah has decreed: "Verily! It is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious.'' Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, Almighty.) 58:21﴿

(None can change His Words.) meaning, none can avert Allah's judgment whether in this life or the Hereafter, for (6:115)

(No change can there be in the Words of Allah.) meaning, this promise doesn't change or breach or fall short. It is decreed and firm, and going to happen undoubtedly. For (10:64)

Yes none can change HIS WORDS. What they can do is copy his words and with that add their own lies to the text.

For instance God's original scripture stated that:

Jews are good people but there are bad ones among them.

A person can corrupt this by copying it down and writing it with his own hands and say:

Jews are good people but there are NO bad ones among them.

He has added his own words, his own desire, his own lie, he has not changed THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE, he now has his own corrupted message which is not from God. No one can ever change Allah's words, they can make copies of the original book and write their own lies to it and say it is from Allah. That is a different story.

Yahweh condones the Killing of innocent children

The only good thing about korede is, he is one predictable guy. Rather than addressing my post specifically on the Biblical verse, he’s doing what he’s good that, and that is dodging the initial post and making up his own twist.  I made a comparison between both scriptures, which make mention of Moses Pbuh. Below is the actual post which I made.


And so they travelled on. Then, when they met a young boy and the man killed him, Moses said, ‘How could you kill an innocent person? He has not killed anyone! What a terrible thing to do!’(Surah 18:74)
Notice from the above verse, how Moses Pbuh was shocked when the young boy was killed. We can clearly see how Moses Pbuh was against such an act. He made it clear this was unacceptable, killing an innocent person is prohibited.“What a terrible thing to do "Nukra" (a great Munkar - prohibited, evil, dreadful thing)!". Though later in the story we find out why this young boy was killed, and the wisdom behind it, the fact that Moses Pbuh disliked and objected such an act only goes to show that he was a just and upright Prophet who would never kill an innocent person.
Now compare this with a verse from the Bible.
Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every infant girl so you can devour them. (Number 31:17-18)
Notice how Moses of the Bible was commanded to kill innocent boys and women. This was a direct command by Yahweh, did you notice Moses did not object to it. Rather Moses and hes followers went on a killing spree,killing innocent people left right and center. Not only killing innocent people, but also taking infant (Taph) girls so they can be devoured (used for sexual pleasure). What does that tell you about the characteristics of Moses from the Bible comparing to the Quran, a major difference.

As you can see from the above post, korede finds no problem with the Biblical narration of Moses and his treatment towards Midianites. Rather than seeing a problem he turns to the Quranic narration pointing fingers. Let’s look at the Quranic narration before we dwell into the Bible.

In Surah 18 we find a narration of Moses Pbuh regarding his search for wisdom. The story goes to tell us, how Moses Pbuh alongside his servant went on a journey seeking for a man with extraordinary knowledge given by God Almighty. Thus Moses Pbuh a true seeker of knowledge made his mission to find this man (Al Kidr), so he can benefit from his given knowledge. Throughout his journey, Moses pbuh different types of wisdom through one man. Below is a commentary explaining why the “young boy” was slayed.


“In these verses the slaying of the young boy is explained as a mean of sparing his parents grief and distress over the rebellion and disbelief he would exhibit later in life. However, given that the boy is described as still very young, his parents would not have yet witnessed rebellion and disbelief from him and thus could only have considered his death as tragedy, not knowing what the future difficulties God had spared them. Thus in connection with these verses, Ibn Kathir quotes the hadith, “God does not decree anything for a believer, save that’s is better for him”(IK). Moses’ objection to Khidr’s slaying of the boy is based upon religious law that forbids the killing of innocents, whereas khidr’s explanation indicates that’s the slaying was commanded as an act of wisdom and ultimately of mercy on the part of the Omniscient God. The story also serves as a narrative demonstration of the difference between God’s will for human being as discerned through the prescriptive commands found in Sacred Law and revelation and His ultimate Will or Decree, which transcends human understanding. It thus serves as a source of meditation on the different levels of God’s Will and the relationship between Divine Will and human justice.”

From the above commentary it’s clear why the young boy was slayed, and how his slaying has spared his parents from grief as well as how he was saved from becoming rebellious and a disbeliever. A great wisdom which played a perfect role towards these individual, both parents and child were spared from grief and disbelief.

Now korede may say “God still got that innocent boy killed” and the answer to that is for the better good. The Quran made it clear why the young boy was slayed and what future impact he would have brought to his parents. In many places in the Quran we told to obey our parents. this is also found in Hadiths. We are urged in both Quran and Hadith to obey our parents, look after your parents, don’t even say “Uff” to them. Even if you parents are disbelievers still listen to them, obey them as long as they don’t force you to worship any others false deities besides Allah Swt obey them. So you can see obeying your parents is a command from Allah Swt.  Now Al Khidr was a special man with God given Knowledge which no average person had. He was a “unique man” during the time of Moses pbuh who had extraordinary knowledge from God Almighty, where he could make precise judgement and deal with the matter there and then.

Now coming to the Biblical narration. Can korede truly claim that Moses was against such act towards innocents children? If so maybe he can show us from the Bible where Moses protested with Yahweh on such despicable order. In fact this isn’t the only time Yahweh killed innocent children. According to the Bible

Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, "Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!" When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. (2 Kings 2:23-24)

Lets look at this closely, little children were mocking Elisha and he “cursed then with the name of the Lord” and 2 she bears came and tore 42 children. The Hebrew word used for children is “Naar” (age between 3 to 10). So notice how Elisha used the name of the “LORD” and 2 she bears immediately came out and mauled those kids. What did those innocent kids do? Only mock that’s all! Its normal for children to mock that’s their age for playing and mischief they don’t know right from wrong, but Yahweh had no problem getting them killed by 2 bears imagine how frighten those children were when they were being mauled by 2 giant bears.

Same goes for Numbers 31:17-18 Moses was commanded by Yahweh to kill all men, and boys alongside all women who have slept with men, but to keep all infant girls so they could be devoured (raped). Can you imagine such a mass murder by the command of Yahweh? What wisdom did Yahweh have behind the killing of all those young boys? why didn’t Moses object to such a horrific killing spree. Young boys babies, infants all under the sword of Moses and his followers why? Maybe korede can show us the wisdom of Yahweh.

One can’t make a comparison of the story of Al Khidr slaying one young child with the killing of thousands if not hundreds of innocent children.  We know why the young boy was slayed by Al Khidr and the wisdom behind it, but for what reason were all those innocent children killed by the command of Yahweh? Yahweh also was on the side of Elisha when he was mocked. Again what is the wisdom behind killing those innocent 42 boys?

It doesn’t stop here, throughout the entire Old Testament innocent children were always the victim of Yahweh this one verse sums it all up.

How blessed will be the one who grabs your babies and smashes them on a rock! 
(Psalm 137:9)

We hope korede can tell us the wisdom behind the above horrific, gruesome statement. And also condemn such sick repulsive actions towards innocent children, babies, infants by Yahweh. Another problem I want to point out is the Old Testament is clear a disobedient child should be killed.

Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. (Exodus 21:17)

Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. Because they have cursed their father or mother, their blood will be on their own head. (Leviticus 20:9)

Again maybe korede can show us what is the wisdom behind killing a child if he/she curses their parents?


Either Jesus or the author got it wrong. The question is, which one?

1 Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, 2 “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.”  3 He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? 4 For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’ 5 But you say, ‘If anyone tells his father or his mother, “What you would have gained from me is given to God,”6 he need not honor his father.’ So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God.(Matthew 15:1-6)

Either Jesus of the author got it wrong. Tradition of the elders does not say to wash hands, rather washing hands as purity is found in the Torah.

The washing of hands is required before eating a meal at which bread is served. One reason for hand washing is purely mundane: to clean them before eating. The origin of this law, however, is biblical (Exodus 30:17-21). Moses was commanded to make a copper laver and to place it at the entrance to the altar area so that Aaron and his sons could wash their hands before approaching the altar to offer sacrifices. Verse 20 concludes, “. . .and it shall be for them a statute forever.” The washing of hands makes them ritually pure. This symbolic expression of washing away impurity from one’s hands dates back to Temple times, when the priests (Kohanim), as described above with Aaron, devoted their lives to the Temple and its sacrificial system. Before performing any ritual, a Kohein was required to wash his hands, making himself pure and ready to offer a sacrifice.

Saying this was tradition makes Jesus or the author ignorant of the "Torah" this raises the question, did they even know about Exodus 30? Was not Jesus a learned rabbi? Calling the commands of Yahweh as traditions of the elders dismissed the validity of that book. Note, the author is writing what the Pharisees said which cannot be verified, since he was a Christian he won't favour the Jews in the first place. Also Jews don't claim washing hands is a tradition

Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?

                               Christian claim: Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?     Christians have been presenting strange ...