Monday, 28 November 2016

Not a shred of evidence

The curtains of the temple were torn during an earthquake, yet not a shred of evidence of this mysterious event. Not a single Jewish rabbi or scribe made mentioned of such a great event how comes?

At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. (Matthew 27:51)
Not a shred of evidence from Jewish (antiquity) sources outside the bible. Nothing mentioned from historians such as Josephus, Tacitus, Philo. The Talmud doesn't even give a hint, that the TEMPLE CURTAINS WERE TORN IN HALF OR AN EARTHQUAKE HAPPENED HOW COME?
Christian website evidence for Christianity had this to say when someone posted a similar question :

"As far as I know there is not other written source confirming this particular event other than the gospels. It is highly doubtful that any Jews would have reported this incident (other than those who converted to Christianity, of whom there were many). It would have been an embarrassment. In fact, we have relatively few Jewish writers from this time who reported day-to-day events, so the likelihood of this particular event showing up in another extant writing would be quite remote."


What a shame can you imagine an event so sacred to Christians have no historical credibility. No primary to prove this to be true? Not a single outside historical evidence is available

Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. In this work, Edersheim states

The Veils before the Most Holy Place were 40 cubits (60 feet) long, and 20 (30 feet) wide, of the thickness of the palm of the hand, and wrought in 72 squares, which were joined together; and these Veils were so heavy, that, in the exaggerated language of the time, it needed 300 priests to manipulate each. If the Veil was at all such as is described in the Talmud, it could not have been rent in twain by a mere earthquake or the fall of the lintel, although its composition in squares fastened together might explain, how the rent might be as described in the Gospel.

Edersheim does not specifically document the statement about the veil’s thickness, but in the context refers to Talmudic sources. Continuing searches brought up Maurice Henry Harris, Hebraic Literature: Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala (M. Walter Dunne, 1901). In this work, we find:

Three hundred priests were told off [sic; the idea is that they were designated] to draw the veil (of the Temple) aside; for it is taught that Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel declared in the name of Rabbi Shimon the Sagan (or high priest’s substitute), that the thickness of the veil was a handbreadth. It was woven of seventy-two cords, and each cord consisted of twenty-four strands. It was forty cubits long and twenty wide. Eighty-two myriads of damsels worked at it, and two such veils were made every year. When it became soiled, it took three hundred priests to immerse and cleanse it. Chullin (Harris, pp. 195-96)

This quotation references a passage from the Mishnah, the early codification of Judaism’s “oral law” — explanations of the Torah. Here is the passage from Herbert Danby’s translation of the Mishnah:

Rabban Simeon b. Gamaliel says in the name of R. Simeon son of the Prefect: The veil was one handbreadth thick and was woven on [a loom having] seventy-two rods, and over each rod were twenty-four threads. Its length was forty cubits and its breadth twenty cubits; it was made by eighty-two young girls, and they used to make two in every year; and three hundred priests immersed it. (p. 161, bracketed material is part of the original quote, not my addition.)

A curtain so thick and wide cannot tear like paper. This a pure nonsense. No wonder the Jews had a problem with this pathetic story.


Korede wrote:
What's the Historical evidence that some Jews were turned into Apes by Allah?
Response : before you Jump to the Quran, maybe you should answer what your book says, since it was available 600 years before the Quran. what is the historical evidence that Lots wife turned into salt? can you prove it historically?

And just for the record. Jews do believe some people were turned into apes, during the tower of babel.
THE GENERATION OF THE DIVISION, [THEY] HAVE NO PORTION IN THE WORLD TO COME, etc. What did they do? — The [scholars of] the school of Rabbi Shila taught: [They said,] ‘Let us build a tower, ascend to heaven, and cleave it with axes that its waters might gush forth.’ In the West [Eretz Yisrael] they laughed at this: If so, they should have built it on a mountain! (Rather) Rabbi Yirmiyah bar Elazar said: They split up into three parties. One said, ‘Let us ascend and dwell there’; the second, ‘Let us ascend and worship the gods (lit., serve the stars)’; and the third said, ‘Let us ascend and wage war [with God].’ The party which proposed ‘Let us ascend, and dwell there’ — the Lord scattered them. The one that said, ‘Let us ascend and wage war,’ were turned to apes, spirits, devils, and night-demons. Whilst as for the party which said, ‘Let us ascend and serve idols’ — ‘for there the Lord did confound the language of all the earth.’ It has been taught: Rabbi Natan said: They were all bent on idolatry. Here it is written, ‘let us make us a name,’ while elsewhere it is written, ‘…and make no mention of the name of other gods’ (Shemot 23:13). Just as there (in Shemot) [it means] idolatry, 20 so too here [it means] idolatry. Rabbi Yochanan said: A third of the tower was burnt, a third sunk [into the earth], and a third is still standing. Rav said: The atmosphere of the tower causes forgetfulness. Rav Yosef said: Bavel and Borsif are bad omens for Torah. What [is the meaning of the name] Borsif? Rabbi Assi said: An empty well.(Talmud sanhedrin 109)
Read carefully Korede Olawoyin " ‘Let us ascend and wage war,’ were turned to apes, spirits, devils, and night-demons.".
The Jews won't ask the same question as you did, since their own Talmud makes mention of people being turned into apes. even the Jews know better then you.

The problem with Korede is, he likes distancing himself from truth. Yesterday Korede made a post asking "is there any evidence of Jews turning into apes?" today he asks, Hadith from both Sahih Bukhari and Muslim say, Jews turned into rats?
Correction, Hadith states
"A group of Israelite's were lost. Nobody knows what they did" Read carefully what you posted "NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THEY DID" "NOBODY" thus, how do you expect to have historical evidence when "NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THEY DID" this would also include historians whom korede is seeking. however the Temple curtain was always in the sight of Jewish rabbis, why then did they refrain from writing the curtain tore in half if hundreds of Jews would be inside worshipping?
In fact, korede maybe you can tell us what happened to the 12 lost tribe historically? What exactly did they all randomly disappear, what exactly happened to them? can you disprove a group of them did not turn into rats? If you can please show us evidence of each and every tribal men.
If Moses was able to turn his staff into a serpent, it's not impossible for God to turn a group of disobedient Jews into apes and rats. Does not you bible say "with God nothing is impossible?" are you disputing matters of the unseen? According to your bible, God can create children from rocks?
Don’t just say to each other, ‘We’re safe, for we are descendants of Abraham.’ That means nothing, for I tell you, God can create children of Abraham from these very stones. (Matthew 3:9)
Assuming you want historical proof for everything, even though you ignored my post on the temple curtain. Maybe you can tell us how can God create children out of rocks and not able to turn into rats or apes? Is your God that limited?
If Satan was able to turn into a snake according to your bible, why do you find it difficult to believe a group of Israelites were turned into rats or apes? If that’s the case, then you have to prove to us historically Satan was the snake who spoke in Eden? Or is that pure belief which you can't prove?
Once again, korede failed to answer Talmud Sanhedrin 109 ‘Let us ascend and wage war,’ were turned to apes, spirits, devils, and night-demons.".
1) God can create children from rocks, but is unable to turn disobedient Jews into apes or rats?
2) God allowed Moses's staff to turn into a serpent and crocodile (yes crocodile), yet is unable to turn disobedient Jews into apes or rats?
3) The Hadith is clear a group of Israelites were lost. Nobody knows what they did. If nobody knew what they did how are you expecting historical evidence?
4) The Talmud says people who challenged God at the tower of babel were turned to apes, spirits, devils, and night-demons.". What historical evidence you do have to that?
5) If Satan was able to change into a snake, why is it impossible for God to turn disobedient Jews into apes or rats?
And finally, Korede must show us what happened to the 12 lot tribe of Israelite's and that not a single one was transformed into ape or rats. Note the Hadith says "a group of Israelite's were lost. Nobody knows what they did"


The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn down the middle. (Luke 23:45)
There is no historical evidence that the temple veil tore in half. What's fascinating is, that we have Judaic source to show how thick the veil was, proving this event was another blunder made up by the unknown writers.
Rabban Simon b. Gamaliel says in the name of R. Simon, the High-priest’s substitute, “The thickness of the veil [of the Temple] was a hand-breadth. It was woven of seventy-two cords, each cord consisting of twenty-four strands. Its length was forty cubits, by twenty in width. It was made by eighty-two myriads of damsels, and two such veils were made every year. It took three hundred priests to immerse and cleanse it [if it becomes unclean].” (Jacob ben Solomon, Agadat En Yaakov, pp. 208 )

Note, Gamaliel was supposed to be the teacher of Paul Acts 22:3. He also broad description given on how large the veil was. Now if Christians say this was supernatural, why didn't the Jewish rabbis, scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees record such an event? Surely many people must of witnessed the torn curtain, did they all forget to make mention of such an epic event?


Another made up story


How did Jesus’ escape being caught and trialled by the roman authorities, after causing mass disturbance to the temple?

According to the gospel, Jesus not only vandalised the market in the temple by overturning tables and benches. According to John, Jesus made a whip out of cord and drove out the money changers and even animals.

 This would be impossible for Jesus to do without getting arrested and charged. The temple was always heavily guarded by roman soldiers (Josephus, The Jewish War, p. 323) 

 As money from the trading inside the temple was revenue to the roman authorities taken as tax. Also, Pontius Pilate said, he found no basis to charge Jesus? What even after he caused mayhem/disruption inside the temple in front of a crowd?

 Why didn't the Roman soldiers arrest Jesus and put him on trial? After all, causing disorder and vandalising property which belonged to the roman authorities, would be a capital offence, so what happened?

 Are you saying, the romans and Jews forget such a big incident and didn't think it was good enough to bring it up during the trial of Sanhedrin or Pontius Pilate?


Is Isa AS [Jesus] a Muslim?

The question posed by Christians is, how is Jesus a Muslim according to the Qur’an, alternatively where did Jesus call himself a Muslim?  ...