Sunday, 23 August 2020


For your Maker is your husband-- the LORD Almighty is his name-- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. (Isaiah 54:5)

How could this be? If God of the bible is the husband as the bible claims then all his believers (Jews and Christians) are his wives? Is this not blasphemy? Note being your husband is not symbolic , but literal. The message of Yahweh being the husband of his people is found  in other place of the bible e.g. Hosea 2:16-19, Jeremiah 31:32.

The question is, what does it mean to be a husband? Well, first and foremost one must legally  bound himself in marriage to become a husband. So, what do we understand from the term marriage? Historian Yifat Monnickendam writes in his book

…"The Latin words used for marriage are matrimonium and its derivatives, and a group of words derived from the verb nubo, "to cover" (the bride). Other words referring to lawful marriage such as coniugium and conubium, originally meant "relations" and refer to the sexual and legal aspect of marriage"…

(Jewish Law and Early Christian Identity: Betrothal, Marriage, and Infidelity in the Writings of Ephrem the Syrian Page 49)

Using the definition of marriage sex is part of its legal aspect. Thus, the yahweh whom the Jews and Christians take as their husband must also have a sexual relation with them to fulfil his own given title.

This would also mean in the sight of Yahweh all Jews and Christians are women since he is the husband (male) married to them.

Now ladies and gents those who believe Jesus of the bible is Yahweh and also believe he is your husband care to tell us how was your marriage relation fulfilled? Was and is sex involved since he is your husband? And if you're are having sex with your wife and man-god since he also is your husband Isaiah 54:5,Hosea 2:16-19, Jeremiah 31:32.  is that  not polygamy? Or will you call one real and the virtual (virtual-reality)

Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?

                               Christian claim: Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?     Christians have been presenting strange ...