Monday, 1 October 2018

Sanhedrin 4:5 and 37a

A command which was revealed to a group of people thousands of years back and then reiterated to people who came hundreds of years after does not mean it was plagiarised. Rather it means God is informing us of what was said to those before us and how they rejected that command. It’s a lesson for us of not to do what the people of past did, and that is reject the command of God by disobeying him.

The same can be said for Surah5:32:

“Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.” (Surah 5:32)

Here we read Allah Swt decreed, ordained to the “Children of Israel” not to kill a life unless for murder or corruption. And whosoever kills a life its’ as he killed the whole of mankind and whosoever saves a life it’s as he saved the whole of mankind.

Now something similar or as Eric Smith would call it “parallel” is also found in the Jewish “Oral Law Talmud”.

For thus we find in regard to Cain, who killed his brother, "The bloods of your brother scream out!" (Genesis 4:10) - the verse does not say blood of your brother, but bloods of your brother, because it was his blood and also the blood of his future offspring [screaming out]! [Another explanation of the verse: for his blood was splattered over the trees and rocks [there was more than one pool of blood]. [The judges' speech continues] "It was for this reason “Therefore but a single man was created in the World, to teach that if any man has caused a single soul to perish from Israel Scripture imputes it to him as though he had caused a whole world to perish; and if any man saves alive a single soul from Israel scripture imputes it to him as though he had saved alive a whole world. …” (Sanhedrin 4:5)

before we make a commentary on this, let’s get a brief understanding of the Oral Law.

there are two “Torahs”: the Written and the Oral. In Jewish tradition, both were given to Moses at Mt. Sinai and during the forty years in the desert, and taught to the whole nation. [In fact, when Judaism says "G-d gave the Torah to Moses at Sinai” it is talking only about the Oral — otherwise, Moses should have known about the Golden Calf, and as for Korach’s Rebellion, Moses should have reacted "well, we’ve been expecting you…"]
Both have been with us, according to Jewish sources, for all of the past 3300 years. And without both, it is impossible to fully understand traditional Jewish teaching or thought. The Written Torah, mentiones each of the Commandments, or Mitzvos, only in passing or by allusion. The Oral Law fills in the gaps.(

Notice how the Oral law was in existence since the time of Moses. In fact, according to the Jewish belief the Oral was given to Moses side by side with the Torah, let’s keep that in mind.

now that we’ve clarified the oral law was given to Moses at mount Sinai, which also makes the saying in Sanhedrin 4:5, Sanhedrin 37a written down as inspired by God. We can conclude the argument made by Christians on this matter has little effect on scriptures. Jews without any hesitation will confirm the Oral law is as good as the written law i.e. the Torah, both are needed to understand the word of God.

However, there are some flaws within the saying of the Oral law, specifically Sanhedrin 4:5 and Sanhedrin 37a. the text reads

“Therefore but a single man was created in the World, to teach that if any man has caused a single soul to perish from Israel Scripture imputes it to him as though he had caused a whole world to perish; and if any man saves alive a single soul from Israel scripture imputes it to him as though he had saved alive a whole world. …”

Notice the text saying “if any man has caused a single soul to perish from Israelhere “Israel” is the subject and body of command.  Whereas the Quran tells us:

We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely.

The Quran is clear “whoever kill a soul (General not specific, anyone whether Hindu, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddist, Atheist) is as though they killed the whole of mankind (humanity) this is clear that what the Jews wrote from Oral tradition is not the exact same as what we read in the Quran. Another point to make here is, this decree given by Allah Swt to the Israelites shows how they didn’t obey it as divine decree or else this would have been found in the Torah not Oral law. Though the Oral law is also inspired and given to Moses, the Torah still comes first and Oral second. This also shows how the Jews altered the saying of God Almighty  by “TAKING OUT KILL A SOUL AND ADDING ISRAEL”

We must also note, this was ordained to the Jews roughly 3500 years ago. Unfortunately, we have no manuscripts from the Torah dating back 3500 years. It’s possible this was written down in the Torah, but later taken out or even forgotten but by a few who orally transmitted it down through generations until the actual word of God was distorted and put in the books of Talmud as the oral sayings of sages.

The Oral inspired law was also used by Jesus who took is for divine sayings take for example

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
(Matthew 5:43)

where in the Old Testament does it say love your neighbour and hate your enemy?
nowhere! Jesus quoted from the Talmud. John Gill's reference was quite applicable:

Hate your enemy from talmud 

"However, if someone disgraced or shamed a Talmid Hakham publicly, he is not allowed to forgive [the violation of] his honor and, if he did forgive, he is punished, as this is a disgrace of the Torah. Rather, he should seek vengeance and enmity like a snake until [the shamer] requests his forgiveness - then he should forgive him." (Maimonides, Hilchos Talmud Torah c.7 sect. 13)

Now why is Jesus not quoting from the Torah? Instead, he quotes from the Oral law? Notice Jesus saying “You have heard that it was said” this is evidence Jesus took the Oral Law as divine scriptures and made changes to fit society.

If God wants to tell us about a revelation which was given to a specific group of people thousands of years ago, why do you think this is unnatural and cannot be done? If God wants to clarify a matter which was said, how is that a problem?

The Jews can say their Oral law passed by sages up to the time of Moses said, Killing the life of a “ISRAELI” like killing the whole of humanity. Now this is not what God Almighty said. From this we can see how the Jews tried to conceal the truth of what was really ordained to them

Just for the record, Surah 5:32 also applies to the Muslims as it’s a general statement which we are to abide by. this is more elaborated by brother Kaleef K Karim from Discover the Truth


Interesting passage from the Mishnah
“Therefore the man was created singly, to teach that he who destroys one soul of a human being, the Scripture considers him as if he should destroy a whole world, and him who saves one soul of Israel, the Scripture considers him as if he should save a whole World. (Sanhedrin 4.5)
Take attention on the second line from the saying
"that whoever takes a human life is CONSIDERED BY THE BIBLE to have destroyed the entire world"
"CONSIDERED BY THE BIBLE" Can our Christians friends show us where can we find such a saying from the "BIBLE" which says "killing one soul (Israeli) is like killing the whole world"?

Sanhedrin 37a הכתוב scripture compare with Joshua 1:8 same Hebrew word

Sanhedrin 4:5 (kathab or hak-kā-ṯūḇ)

Also, the Idea of Israeli life being sacred alone shows how the Jews dont value the lives of non Jews. ALL LIVES MATTER!
note according to the Talmud only Jews are humans (All gentile children are animals. Yebamoth 98a.)
A perfect example how learned Jews did not follow the command of God Almighty. The Quran clearly states Allah Swt ordaining the Jews saving a life (Jews, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, anyone human life) is like saving the whole of mankind, unlike what the Jews claim only the life of a jew (Israelite is sacred)
“Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.” (Quran 5:32)
So the question remains where do we find from the Bible saving the life of an Israeli is like saving mankind? The Jewish rabbis claim its in the bible


The Gemara asks: Why does the verse say: And he said? It should say: And I said. Why does the verse say: And you spared? It should say: And I spared.Rather, Rabbi Elazar said: David said to Saul: By Torah law, you should be killed, as you are a pursuer who seeks to kill me, and the Torah says: If one comes to kill you, kill him first. But it was the modesty that you displayed that spared you. (Talmud Berakhot Daf 62b:8)

Christians shouldn't have a problem showing us where in the Torah it says “If one comes to kill you, kill him first” Unless the Jews were reading a different Torah

If Islam Critique cannot  show us from his bible where those saying are then we conclude the Jews he relies on confirmed his book is no more than garbage


Show us where this saying can be found word for word in the Torah? If you can't then admit the ancient Jews were reading a different "Torah"

Similarly the Torah says, "Through the reishis Hashem created [the heavens and the earth]," and reishis means Torah, as in "Hashem made me [the Torah] the beginning (reishis) of His way". (Midrash Bereishit Rabbah Chapter 1)


Moses our Teacher was commanded by the Almighty to compel the world to accept the Commandments of the Sons of Noah. Anyone who fails to accept them is executed.

(Halakhah Mishneh Torah, Kings and Wars Chapter 8:10)

Is Isa AS [Jesus] a Muslim?

The question posed by Christians is, how is Jesus a Muslim according to the Qur’an, alternatively where did Jesus call himself a Muslim?  ...