Thursday, 10 October 2019

"The sun rises between the two horns of the devil." What does this hadith mean?

The Answer
Dear Brother / Sister,
Abdullah Ibnu Amr Ibnil-As narrates: "The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"The time of the noon prayer is when the sun passes its peak and a man's shadow is the same length as his height. It lasts up to the time when the time period for the afternoon prayer starts. The time period for the afternoon prayer ends when the sun becomes pale. The time period for the evening prayer ends when the twilight disappears. The time period for the night prayer is up to the middle of the average night. The time period for the morning prayer starts from the appearance of dawn and ends when the sun rises. As soon as the sun rises, stop performing prayers because it rises between the two horns of the devil." [Muslim, Masajid 173, (612); Abu Dawud, Salah 2, (396); Nasai, Mawaqit 15, (l, 260).]
According to what Ahmad b. Hanbal narrates from Bazzar and what Tabarani narrates from Samura b. Jundub, the Prophet (pbuh) said,
“Do not perform prayers when the sun rises and when it sets. For, the sun rises between the two horns of the devil and sets between the two horns of the devil." (Haythami, Majmauz-Zawaid, 2/255)
The following statements exist in another narration:
“The Messenger of Allah ordered us to perform prayers any time of the day and night but he ordered us to avoid performing prayers when the sun rose and set. He stated the following to explain the reason:
Satan sets and rises with sun when the sun sets and rises with it.” (Haythami, Majmauz-Zawaid, 2/256)
Ibn Hajar makes the following explanation related to the phrase "the two horns of the devil" mentioned in the hadith:
"The two horns of the devil (Satan) means the two sides of his head. The following is stated: Satan stands in the same line as the place where the sun rises; when the sun rises, the two sides of the head of the devil remain in the middle so that those who worship the sun prostrate before him when they prostrate before the sun. The same thing is in question when it sets. Thus, the rising of the sun between the two horns of the devil is according to a person who watches the sun when it rises. If he watched the devil, he would see the devil standing before the sun."
After stating that the two sides of the head of the devil is meant by the two horns – as it is stated in the explanation of Ibn Hajar -, Ibnul-Athir uses the word “qila” (it was stated) and explains that the sub-meanings of the word were considered: The word "qarn (horn)" also means power/strength in Arabic. That is, when the sun rises, the devil takes action, attacks and gets position to help the sun.''
Ibnul-Athir also attracts attention to the fact that the phrase the two horns in the hadith is also understood as two eras. 
"The following is stated: "Between two eras means ‘two ummahs from the previous and future ones’. They are a simile for those who prostrate before the sun when it rises: It looks as if Satan organized this heresy. When a sun-worshipper prostrates before the sun, it is as if Satan is next to the sun.''
We can add the following to the explanations of the scholars above: The religion of Islam determined the deadline for the performance of the morning prayer as the time of sunrise. In that case, it is necessary for a believer to get up before the sunrise to perform the fard morning prayer for his Lord. The prayer performed when the sun rises is not valid. If the sun rises when a prayer that is started before the sunrise continues, that prayer becomes invalid; it has to be performed again as qada later.    The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) mentions this issue, which has a very important place in the religion of Islam, by establishing a connection with Satan so that it will be remembered by believers better. As a matter of fact, many issues rejected by the religion were expressed to be makruh or haram by being connected to Satan. There are several examples of this method in the Quran like the verse prohibiting alcoholic drinks, gambling and idols. (al-Maida, 5/90-93)
In that case, there is no need for resorting to some cosmographical and material interpretations, which Ibn Hajar mentions and rejects related to the hadith. 
When we consider “the aspect of the prayers the hypocrites perform hastily”, it is possible to understand that statement as follows:
To delay the morning prayer, to get up just before the sun rises and to perform it hastily, to delay the afternoon prayer and to try to perform it hastily when the sun is about to set is like performing prayers on the shoulders of Satan metaphorically. Thus, the sun’s rising and setting between the horns of Satan aims to indicate its sly suggestions at those times.    
To sum up, scholars interpreted such narrations in two ways:
a. According to those who interpret it in its literal sense, unbelievers worship the sun when it rises and sets. At those times, Satan tries to rise to the level of the sun with its horns and imagines (also makes his followers imagine) that people prostrate before him too.  
b. According to those who interpret it in its metaphorical sense, those expressions in the hadith mean that the domination of Satan over people is at the peak at those times. That Satan makes some people delay the morning and afternoon prayers, which are the most virtuous prayers, and make them perform those prayers hastily indicates his peak in terms of deceiving people. (see Nawawi, al-Minhaj/Sharhu Sahihi Muslim, 5/123-124)
The aim of the hadith is clear: To enable the believers to get up early, to gain the consciousness of time, the habit of doing things based on a plan and on time, to act based on time, to discipline themselves, and to make them understand that things done after their prescribed times will not be of any good; it is possible to list, see and show many more benefits and uses of it in terms of the individuals and the community, health and economy, related to the world and the hereafter. (Prof. Dr. İbrahim Canan, Kütüb-i Sitte Şerhi)


Who Were the ‘Unbelievers’ Referred to in the Hadith Concerning Sun Worshippers?

Answered by Shaykh Jamir Meah
Question: In a Hadith from Fath al-Bari, there is a Hadith which prohibits praying between the times of sunrise and sunset as that’s when the ‘unbelievers’ prostrated to the sun. Who are these ‘unbelievers’? Did the Arabs also worship the celestial bodies in addition to their idols?
Answer: Wa’alaykum assalam. Thank you for your question.
The major books of hadith commentary do not seem to mention a specific people in regards to the hadith you have mentioned (quoted below). What becomes clear from perusing these texts, as well as major works of tafsir on related verses, is that the reference to the unbelievers prostrating to the sun is general.
Sun worship
Sun worshipping, in one way or another, is a primeval practice and was widespread in many cultures such as Ancient Egypt (Ra), Norse Mythology (Sol), the Romans (Apollo), Greek (Helios), Persia (Magians), Britain and Gaul (Druid’s ‘Mighty Oak’) and various Arabian and the Levant tribes.
Amongst the well-known of the Arabs who worshipped the sun, and who survived in various forms during the time of the Prophet ﷺ, were the Sabeans who worshipped the celestial bodies and historically, a solar goddess named Shams, and in Palmyra, Syria, the Temple of Bal was dedicated to a triad of deities, one being Yarhibol, a sun god.
Mecca was a busy trading center, and the Custodians of the Sacred Sanctuary invited people from all of Arabia to make the holy pilgrimage each year, and these people were encouraged to bring with them their various divinities and deities. It would be very likely that there were sun worshipers among them and this was familiar to the Quraysh.
Sun worshippers in the Quran
In surat al Naml, we find the Hoopoe’s words ‘I have found her [Saba] and her people prostrating themselves to the sun, instead of Allah, and the Satan has beautified their deeds for them, and has prevented them from the way, so they do not take the right path.’ [27:24]
And in al Fussilat, God tells people, ‘Do not prostrate yourselves to the sun, or to the moon. And prostrate yourselves to Allah who has created them, if it is Him whom you worship.’ [41:37]
This again is a general admonishment to all who worship the sun and moon. Imam al Razi in his Tafsir, mentions the Sabeans as an example of those addressed in this verse, indicating that the practice of sun-worship was still part of their religious practise at the time of revelation. Other authors (though the references given need to be verified) have stated that there were Arabs tribes who worshipped the sun and called the sun ‘al Ilaha’ [Taw’il Mukhtalif al Hadith]
Prohibition of praying when the sun rises and sets
Two of the prohibited times for praying is when the sun rises and when the sun sets. This is based on the hadith you mentioned, ‘Observe the dawn prayer, then stop praying when the sun is rising till it is fully up, for when it rises it comes up between the horns of Satan, and the unbelievers prostrate themselves to it at that time.’ … ‘then cease prayer till the sun sets, for it sets between the horns of devil, and at that time the unbelievers prostrate themselves before it.’ [Sahih Muslim]
The reason for the prohibition is three-fold:
a) Because satan puts his head in front of the sun as it rises and sets, so that those worshipping the sun look as if they are prostrating to him.
b) Because Allah Most High and the beloved Prophet ﷺ only want good for the believers so prevent the Muslims from being in such a situation and letting the devil get the upper hand over the believers.
c) Because this was the specific time sun worshippers pray, and the Prophet ﷺ was always keen to distinguish the practice of the Muslims from the practice of other religions.
[Fathul Bari, Sharh Muslim]
In conclusion, the hadith we discussed, as well as some verses of the Quran address sun worshippers in general, though the Prophet ﷺ would have had knowledge of some of these groups, such as the Sabeans, previous nations, and most likely, other Arab tribes, particularly among the outlying Bedouins. And Allah knows best.

Warmest salams
Shaykh Jamir Meah

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