Friday, 8 June 2018

Christian Hypocrisy

A Christian by the name of Ade continuously goes on saying, why do Muslims worship a stone? The fact that Ade' has been corrected multiples times that Muslims don’t worship a stone never seems to register in his pre-programmed brain. However what's amazing about this hypocrite is, the man himself has an attraction with stones? Below is a picture of Ade hand touching the western wall, where he also put a prayer note in between the cracks of the wall. Now if Ade has no problem in touching the wall and putting a prayer note in between the crack of the wall what makes you say he didn’t also kiss it like Jews do? Whether he denies it or not, the fact he have a picture of his hand touching the wall with prayers notes says it all.

Is Ade aware that Praying and placing notes at the Western wall is a Talmudic saying. It's not found anywhere in the Bible. a man who rejects the Talmud now follows its teaching what a joke.


The practice of placing prayer notes into the cracks of the Western Wall stems from the Talmudic saying that the divine Presence (Shekhinah) nevers departs from the Western Wall

Talmudic sages began to teach: "This is the Western Wall of the Temple , which is never destroyed for the shekhinah [the Divine presence] is in the west" (Bamidbar Rabah 11:63).

And so writes Rabbi Yaakov Emden: Know and understand that although the Divine Presence is everywhere, a prayer from outside Israel does nor ascend directly but it must travel to Israel and Jerusalem to the place of the Temple opposite the gate of heaven. Also read Exodus Rabbah 2:2

Ade there's no escape you follow the Talmud 

Is Isa AS [Jesus] a Muslim?

The question posed by Christians is, how is Jesus a Muslim according to the Qur’an, alternatively where did Jesus call himself a Muslim?  ...