Thursday, 5 September 2019

Your own Bible gives witness to the event in Cave Hira

When Christians become desperate, they tend to bring the most absurd arguments to Muslims, which only backfire on them. take for example the claim of witness. Christians tell us who was the witness of Prophet Muhammed Pbuh in Cave Hira when he received his first Revelation from Gabriel Pbuh.

Now bear in mind Christians have an agenda behind this question. They want to corner Muslims into saying, there was no witness in the Cave, therefore the story could have been made up. This is a totally absurd question which will only backfire on them as you will see.

Firstly, if Christians believe that without having a witness present for a miracle event then the incident itself should be dismissed, how then do they accept the incident of Moses and the burning bush? Which witness was present when Moses spoke to God through the burning bush, whilst receiving his first miracle, that is turning his staff into a serpent?

If no witness was present during Moses's visit to the mountain, why do Christians reject the event which happened in Cave Hira? This is called "double standards" Christians must reject Moses and his visit to the mount of burning bush since no witnesses were present.

Second point. Jesus was alone with the devil for days and night in the wilderness, the question is who witnessed what happened? How could you possibly know what happened if no one witnessed it? At least you have be assured from both Jewish and Muslim side that Both Prophets Pbut made mention on what happened to them during their miraculous event, yet the same cannot be said of Jesus of the Bible as there is no mention if Jesus telling his followers what happened. In fact, the New Testament was written decades after Jesus, unknown people wrote about him through hearsay.  There is no credibility for the New Testament stories, especially when the authors were unknown writing what they heard. This is alone dismantles the authenticity of the New Testament "gospels"

Finally, this is where their witness in the Cave backfire on them. according to codex Sinaiticus folio 53 in the Book of Isaiah this is how it reads:

"And the Book (or this/that Book) will be delivered in Hira [to] an illiterate man, and one shall say to him: 'Read this, and he shall say: 'I’m not learned.'"

[exactly what happened with Prophet Muhammad in cave of Hira on receiving first revelation]

In Codex Sinaiticus, the original writer – scribe B, section Isa 29:9-30:8, folio 53 - obviously wrote word first χιρα (chira-in Arabic Hira), but later, the corrector (fabricators) identified by scholars as Cb3, inserted a small epsilon (ε) and sigma (ς) in order to change its meaning from indeclinable feminine proper noun, "Hira" (χιρα), to a plural feminine noun in accusative case, "hands" (χειραϲ).

Isaiah 29:12 with LXX (Septuagint) version preserved in Codex Sinaiticus:- check link

If you put in Google’s translator the English phrase "In the cave of Hira" and choose translation to Greek, it will give you the following result: Στο σπήλαιο της Χίρας (Sto spílaio tis Chíras). As you can see, it uses exactly the same letters for the word Hira. Again, if you put the Greek phrase το ειϲ Χιραϲ ανθρωπου from Sinaiticus, it will translate it as "the man in Hira". And once again, if you put the Greek phrase ον τουτο ειϲ χιραϲ you will find "being these in Hira" etc. The most striking, however, is when you type χιρα or χιραϲ alone, and you select translation to Arabic, the alternative rendering will be  غار حراء (ghar Hira = the cave of Hira!!!):


Conclusion: Old Greek text of Isaiah 29:12 according to Codex Sinaiticus gives an invaluable testimony that the sealed book shown to an illiterate man, took place in χιρα (Hira), and Google Translator even clearly pinpoints that it is in Arabic غار حراء (ghar Hira), i.e. the cave Hira, which is a famous holy place located in the Meccan desert where Prophet Mohammed (SAAW) received his first Quranic revelation, in 610 AD. 

There you have it YOUR OWN BIBLE GIVES WITNESS TO THE CAVE EVENT. Next time you want witness check up on the manuscripts of codex Sinaiticus and you'll see how it not only prophesises, but also testifies as a witness to the even in Cave Hira.

Also, see for self how your modern-day bible changes the text and tried the conceal the truth.

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