Friday, 8 February 2019

Christians and their Epic failure!

Once again Christians have failed in both ways Biblically and Islamically you may wonder how? Well, after reading this paper you'll be convinced Christians have failed ridiculously.
There are certain tests given to prove the authenticity of scriptures and believers, we find them in both Quran and Bible. Below we will prove how Christians throughout time have failed this test.
And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new TONGUES ;they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly POISON, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." (Mark 16:17-18)

From the above passage we get a strong description on how a believer would be recognised by his or her faith in Christ.  We read, that they will speak in different Tongues, and drink  deadly poison which will not harm them. Let's take the "POSION" statement for now and get back to the different TONGUES for our next test. Hoe many Christians have drank deadly poison and lived?  The answer is NONE! Not a single Christian has passed this test.  Go ahead give them a bottle of poison and see if they would drink it.

Now the next Test
Say: "If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another."  [Qur'an 17:88]
And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'an) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him ), then produce a surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful.  [Qur'an 2:23]

And this Qur'an is not such as could ever be produced by other than Allah (Lord of the heavens and the earth), but it is a confirmation of (the revelation) which was before it [i.e. the Taurat (Torah), and the Injeel (Gospel), etc.], and a full explanation of the Book (i.e. laws and orders, etc, decreed for mankind) - wherein there is no doubt from the the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns,and all that exists).
Or do they say: "He (Muhammad(P)) has forged it?" Say: "Bring then a surah (chapter) like unto it, and call upon whomsoever you can, besides Allah, if you are truthful!" [Qur'an 10:37-38]
Or they say, "He (Prophet Muhammad(P)) forged it (the Qur'an)." Say: "Bring you then ten forged surah (chapters) like unto it, and call whomsoever you can, other than Allah (to your help), if you speak the truth!" [Qur'an 11:13]
Or do they say: "He (Muhammad(P)) has forged it (this Qur'an)?" Nay! They believe not! Let them then produce a recital like unto it (the Qur'an) if they are truthful. [Qur'an 52:33-34]
Abdur Rahim Green mentions that:
These are the sixteen al-Bihar (literally "The Seas", so called because of the way the poem moves, according to its rhythmic patterns): at-Tawil, al-Bassit, al-Wafir, al-Kamil, ar-Rajs, al-Khafif, al-Hazaj, al-Muttakarib, al-Munsarih, al-Muktatab, al-Muktadarak, al-Madid, al-Mujtath, al-Ramel, al-Khabab and as-Saria'. So the challenge is to produce in Arabic, three lines, that do not fall into one of these sixteen Bihar, that is not rhyming prose, nor like the speech of soothsayers, and not normal speech, that it should contain at least a comprehensible meaning and rhetoric, i.e. not gobbledygook. Now I think at least the Christian's "Holy spirit" that makes you talk in tongues, part of your "Tri-Unity" of God should be able to inspire one of you with that!
To begin with; the Arabic language and Arab speech are divided into two branches. One of them is rhymed poetry. It is a speech with metre and rhyme, which means every line of it ends upon a definite letter, which is called the 'rhyme'. This rhymed poetry is again divided into metres or what is called as al-Bihar, literally meaning 'The Seas'. This is so called because of the way the poetry moves according to the rhythmic patterns. There are sixteen al-Bihar viz; at-Tawil, al-Bassit, al-Wafir, al-Kamil, ar-Rajs, al-Khafif, al-Hazaj, al-Muttakarib, al-Munsarih, al-Muktatab, al-Muktadarak, al-Madid, al-Mujtath, al-Ramel, al-Khabab and as-Saria'. Each one rhymes differently. For metres of Arabic poetry please see please see Lyall's book Translations Of Ancient Arabian Poetry, Chiefly Pre-Islamic.[1] He discusses al-Kamil, al-Wafir, al-Hajaz, at-Tawil, al-Bassit, al-Khafif and al-Madid briefly.[2]
The other branch of Arabic speech is prose, that is non-metrical speech. The prose may be a rhymed prose. Rhymed prose consists of cola ending on the same rhyme throughout, or of sentences rhymed in pairs. This is called "rhymed prose" or sajc. Prose may also be straight prose (mursal). In straight prose, the speech goes on and is not divided in cola, but is continued straight through without any divisions, either of rhyme or of anything else. Prose is employed in sermons and prayers and in speeches intended to encourage or frighten the masses.[3] One of the most famous speeches involving sajc is that of Hajjaj bin Yusuf in his first deputation in Iraq in post-Islamic and Quss bin Sa'idah in pre-Islamic times.
So, the challenge, as cAbdur Rahim Green mentions, is to produce in Arabic , three lines, that do not fall into one of these sixteen al-Bihar, that is not rhyming prose, nor like the speech of soothsayers, and not normal speech, that it should contain at least a comprehensible meaning and rhetoric, i.e. not gobbledygook. Indeed
The Qur'an is not verse, but it is rhythmic. The rhythm of some verses resemble the regularity of sajc, and both are rhymed, while some verses have a similarity to Rajaz in its vigour and rapidity. But it was recognized by Quraysh critics to belong to neither one nor the other category.[4]

Above information taken from
That's enough proof to bust any Christians claiming to have the HOLY SPIRIT. not a single Christian or Human being on earth has been able to Produce a Quran like it. Nor have they been able to drink POSION? What's going on, why doesn't your DIFFERENT TONGUES HELP YOU WITH ARABIC? Unless Christians say Mark 16:9-20 is a Later Addition as David Wood stated, which means u have a Book which contains fabricated lies and is not the word of God.
You can't have the cake and eat it


And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." (Mark 16:17-18)

The debate between Sheikh Asrar Rashid and his two interlocutors, Caleb and Hatun proved Christians are not believers. Sheikh Asrar gave both Christians three challenges and none were taken up by them. Though i'm not in the favour with what Sheikh Asrar did by drinking poison, it only showed he qualified to be true believer biblically.

Christians try to snake their way out by saying, the verse dose not say Christian should drink poison, rather if they had been poisoned by someone else then it won't affect them. Yet the text reads

"and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all"


The best way to get out of this is to admit it's a later addition and never was there in the first place. this would only make it worse talk about catch 22.

If Christians are unable to drink poison and heal the sick like Sheikh challenged Caleb to heal a blind brother on stage, why are they even Christians?

Don't be a Christian and embarrass yourself any longer

The missing Scrolls

Take this book of Teaching and place it beside the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD your God, and let it remain there as a witness against you. (Deuteronomy 31:26 Masoretic Torah)


“take this book of the Torah!” according to a Midrash, on this date, the seventh day of the month of Adar, Moses personally wrote 13 Torah scrolls one each for the twelve tribes. He read out of each one before each of the tribes passages of warning, exhorting them to observe the Torah meticulously. He read to the men and women separately, warning them to treasure their Torah scroll and protect it from all hazards. Moses took the thirteenth Torah scroll and deposited it in the Holy Ark next to the second set of Tablets. This interpretation is based on the text of this verse, which appears portray him as instructing the priests to do so, [as being “only” a Levite he had no access to the Holy Ark inside the tabernacle. Ed.] (COMMENTARY Daat Zkenim on Deuteronomy Chapter 31:26)

Also the Midrash (Devarim Rabba 9:4) tells us:

Before his death, Moses wrote 13 Torah Scrolls. Twelve of these were distributed to each of the 12 Tribes. The 13th was placed in the Ark of the Covenant (along with the Tablets). If anyone would come and attempt to rewrite or falsify the Torah, the one in the Ark would "testify" against him.

Note from the above rabbinic commentary and traditions, Moses wrote 13 scrolls in total and distributed to each of the 12 Tribes and kept the 13th scroll inside the ark of the covenant. The question is if Moses wrote 13 scrolls of the law where did the 5 books of the Pentateuch come from? By the time Moses wrote the 13 scrolls he already reached 120 years old. The question to ask is, how many scrolls would it take to make up the 5 books of the Pentateuch you do the maths. Bear in mind, historically speaking during the time of Moses the Hebrew alphabets were not in use, rather Moses would have written in EGYPTIAN or CANAANITE or something else.

Moses wrote down this Teaching and gave it to the priests, sons of Levi, who carried the Ark of the LORD’s Covenant, and to all the elders of Israel. (Deuteronomy 31:9 Masoretic Torah)

Compare with the DSS fragments

Moses wrote this law on a scroll, and delivered it to the priests the sons of Levi, who bore the ark of Yahweh’s covenant, and to all the elders of Israel. (Deuteronomy 31:9 DSS Torah)

Did you catch the problem? Notice how the Masoretic Torah written during the 10th century subtracts "on a scroll"  as found in the DSS fragments roughly 200 BC. Here according to the earliest fragments we clearly read Moses wrote on scrolls, that would be the 13 scrolls the laws givens by God himself.  If you were to ask any Jew or Christian do you have a copy of scrolls which Moses wrote himself dating back roughly 3,500 years, then the answer would be a no. they may answer you by saying, though we may not have the scrolls we have a tradition that goes back to the time of Moses etc. the question still remains, if the words of God was written by Moses himself in front of his tribes can go missing, what make you say the Torah copies which you have no are the actual original laws once given to Moses?  We've already established that Moses did not write the Pentateuch due to his age and resource and many other reasons.

We can conclude the current "Torah" Jews and Christians read is not the Torah from God.  Rabbis have played their part in writing and twisting the very word of God. If Christians still believe the Torah they have is the truth, then bring forth the scrolls which Moses wrote so it can be compared side by side.

Is Isa AS [Jesus] a Muslim?

The question posed by Christians is, how is Jesus a Muslim according to the Qur’an, alternatively where did Jesus call himself a Muslim?  ...