Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Did King David and King Solomon have the law with them?

Ask any Christian did King David and King Solomon ever read the Torah. The most sound answer would  be a direct yes, but the question is did they really know of the Torah. If they did why didn't they obey certain laws which were directed to them, take for example :

A King must not multiply wives to himself. (Deuteronomy 17 17)

yet we know King Solomon had hundreds of wives (1 Kings 11:1-3). The text even goes as far as saying the more wives you have would turn your heart away from the Lord. Now had King Solomon ever read the Torah wouldn't he apply it's law and commandments upon himself. the the same applied to King David he had many wives, how about this law :

A King must not multiply horses to himself. (Deuteronomy 17:15-16)

Again we know from the Bible King Solomon had thousands of horses. (1 Kings 4:26). Had King Solomon ever read the Torah, or even had it read to him by a priest quoting the law from Deuteronomy wouldn't he have observed it. 

Here's the interesting part which proves King David and King Solomon did not have a copy of the Torah with them. we shall show  how the scribes have tampered with the texts to save themselves from such embarrassments, let's take it step by step.

When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests (Deuteronomy 17:18)

The continuation of the law of Deuteronomy  reads the "King should write for himself on a scroll a copy of the is law"  did this happen? and the answer is no, we have no evidence from the Bible whatsoever, where King David or King Solomon wrote on a scroll a copy of the law The closest we get is, where King David instructs his son King Solomon the following :

( 1 kings 2-3)

The above passage could also be used by Christians claiming that King David informed King Solomon to abide by the law of Moses. But notice what the texts from Deuteronomy 17 reads 

"When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests "

Nowhere did King David or King Solomon write for themselves in a scroll the law of Moses. Nor did they abide by the law which King David had instructed his son to keep and follow.

Had King David really followed the book of Deuteronomy then why did he marry so many women, which was forbidden for him to do so according to the divine law. If  Solomon had really followed the Book of Deuteronomy the why did he also marry so many women and own hundred or thousands of horses which was forbidden for him to do so, again according to the divine law. What's worse they never wrote the law on a scroll as instructed not did any of their priests encourage or remind them the law.

Thus the law of Moses or the Torah (Pentateuch) was not available during the time of King David and King Solomon. Ultimately there are no manuscripts of the Pentateuch which dates back to the time of King David or King Solomon. The most earliest manuscripts which is available for the Pentateuch dates back to around 200BC, that's 200 years before the time of Jesus which says a lot, when the Torah from the time of Moses to Jesus would have been around 1500 years, and not a shred of Manuscript can be located for the last 1300 years prior to 200BC. According to Biblical scholars the manuscripts where lost or deteriorated throughout time. The question is if the manuscripts were lost or deteriorated throughout time how do you know what the original is?. No wonder King David and King Solomon did not follow the law since the law wasn't even with them, It was written much later. 


King David did not punish his son Amnon for raping his sister Tamar why? Read 2 Samuels 13. Rashi says man can marry his step sister.


2 samuels 13:13


Because he will not keep me from you. I am permitted to you because my mother became pregnant with me when she was still a gentile, pretty woman5The laws concerning the taking of gentile woman during war is discused in Devorim begginning in 21:10. The Torah calls her a יְפַת תּוֹאַר, “pretty woman.” that Dovid took conjugally in war. And someone who has a son or daughter from a gentile handmaid is not considered his child for any legal matter.


Jesus of the NT did not inherit the throne

When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests (Deuteronomy 17:18)

If Jesus took the throne of David, Luke 1:32 when did he write his own scroll of law of the priest & follow it?

 Deuteronomy 17:19 further states:

"It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the Lord his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees" 

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