Friday, 23 September 2016

How many Surah 111, 114, 116

Another Christian Failure

Did  Ibn Mas'ud (RA) have 111 Surah and Variances like these nasara claim? How about Ubayy ibn Ka'b didn't he have extra two Surah?? The answer is NO

Christians keep bringing up the same old busted argument, which to be honest sounds really pathetic It's become so old and boring it's become a joke . Since  Christians have found out that the bible doesn't have any originals manuscripts and throughout time it's been altered and corrupted, abused by Unknown mens. they have become so frustrated and upset they've seem to have made a vow to attack Islam especially the authenticity of the Quran and the preservation. This is nothing new for Christians they Normally stoop to any level, since they've made an allegation let's examine it and bury these claims for good..


Christians claim Ibn Mas'ud (RA) had 111 Surah (Chapters) and alleged Variances in his Quran? In order to make such a claim one has to also provide its evidence. The Question is DO CHRISTIANS HAVE A COPY OF IBN MAS'UD QURAN WITH THEM? It will be nice to see that COPY. Secondly they use Hadiths to prove their point regarding alleged variances yet none of the references  mention of a (Mushaf) of Ibn Mas'ud rather it used the word (Qara'a) READ. Since there's no mention of a Mushaf we can conclude he wasn't reading from a written copy.


This is what M.M Al-Azami wrote in his book and I quote:

While none of Ibn Mas'ud's peers mentions a Mushaf of his bearing a different different sura arrangement, quite a few of them seem to have sprung up after his death. An-Nadim quotes al-Fadl bin Shadhan, " I found the sura arrangements of Ibn Mas'ud's Mushaf as follows: al- Baqara , an Nisa, Ali Imran.... [i.e no al- Fatiha]," following this with his own commentary an-Nadim days that he has personally seen numerous Mushafs ascribed to Ibn Mas'ud but has been unable to find any two in agreement with each other, adding that he has also come across one copied during the second century of Hijra which includes Sura al- Fatiha......
( An- Nadim al- Fihirst, p.29.) 

Even for arguments sake if we accept he left out 3 Surahs this doesn't mean that he wasn't aware of those Surahs as part of the Quran. We know Ibn Mas'ud RA was aware of the Surah we have Evidence: Quoting Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Ibn Dhurays, Ibn Munzar and Ibn Mardwiyah, al-Suyuti gives us the following narration; 

It is narrated from Ibn Mas’ud, regarding the word of Allah, ‘We have given you the seven oft-repeated verses’ He said: “[It is] Fatiha al-Kitab.”  (Durr Manthur 5/94, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut) 

This plainly confirms that the al-Fatiha was indeed a part of the Qur’an in the view of Ibn Mas’ud just like the rest of Muslims. 


How about  al-mu’awwazatayn Quoting from al-Daylami, Shaykh Ali Muttaqi, in his gigantic Hadith collection, records a very interesting narration. 

Narrated Ibn Mas’ud: "Excessively recite two surahs. Allah will make you reach higher ranks in the Hereafter because of them. They are al-mu’awwazatayn (i.e. al-Falaq and an-Nas/Nos. 113 & 114) ...” (Kanzul ‘Ummal, Hadith 2743) 

Here in most explicit terms Ibn Mas’ud –may Allah be pleased with him- refers to al-mu’awwazatayn as two surahs, showing he did believe in their divine origin and Qur’anic authority. 

Again the above evidences are sufficient to destroys those claims about Ibn Mas'ud's Quran having 111 Surah.


We also have Prophet Muhammed Pbuh Statement regarding Ibn Mas'ud Recitation again this is found in M.M Al-Azami's book and I quote:

"Next we turn to Ibn as-Sabbagh's harmonisation. Many Companions such as Fatima, Aisha, Abu Huraira, Ibn Abbas and Ibn Mas'ud, report that the Prophet used to recite the Quran with Archangel Jibril annually during Ramadhan, doing so twice in the year of his death. In that final year Ibn Mas'ud was a participant. He also twice recited the Book of the Prophet, who extolled him with the words laqad ahsanta ( 'you have done well') Based on this incident Ibn Abbas considers Ibn Mas'ud's reading to be definitive."

(For details see Ibn Hanbal, Musnad hadith nos. 2494, 3001, 3012, 3422, 3425, 3469, 3539 and 3845. Of particular note are 3001 and 3422.)



Christians have to show the Mushaf of Ibn Mas'ud to prove that Ibn Mas'ud RA had 111 Surah in his Quran. Since no Christians can show us of such a Mushaf then this claim is no longer valid of 111 Surah please stop it. Secondly we have provided evidence that Ibn Mas'ud was well aware of the 3 Surah al-Fatiha and al-mu’awwazatayn (i.e. al-Falaq and an-Nas/Nos. 113 & 114. also Prophet Muhammed Pbuh extolled him for this recitation 


How about Ubayy ibn Ka'b didn't he have extra 2 Surah in his Mushaf? Again this has also been covered  by M.M Al-Azami wrote in his book and I quote: 

Hamad b. Salama reported that Ubayy's Mushaf contained two extra sura, called al-Hafad and al- Khala. This report is completely spurious because of a major defect in the chain, as there is an unaccounted-for gap of at least two to three generations   Between Ubayy's death ( d. ca. 30 A.H)and hammand's (d. 167 A.H) scholarly activity. Besides this, we must remember that a note written in a book doesn't make it part of the book. But let us accept that a few extra lines were scribbled inside Ubayy's Mushaf for arguments sake. Would these lines  ascend to the position of the Quran? Certainly not. The complete Uthmani Mushaf, disseminated with instructors who taught after the  manner of the relevant authorities, forms the basis of establishing whether any given text is the Quran  - not the unsubstantiated squiggles of an illigimate manuscripts.
( Ibn Durais, Fada'il al-Quran, p.157)

The above academic research is sufficient to destroys the claims made by Christians however to go a step further suppose for arguments sake we agree what these Christians said! Did Ubayy ibn Ka'b extra TWO SURAH? Or were they supplications. The following has been taken from brother  Waqar Akbar and his team

"Written in the text of Ubayy ibn Ka'b were the Fatihal-kitab (the Opening Surah) and the Mu'awwi-thatayni (the Charm Surahs) and Allahumma innaa nasta'iinka (the opening words of Suratul-Khal' meaning 'O Allah, we seek your help') and Allahumma ayyaaka na'budu (the opening words of Suratul-Hafd meaning 'O Allah, we worship you')". (as-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fii Ulum al-Qur'an, p.153)

Hafiz Suyuti has himself recorded the wording of these alleged surahs. 

اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَسْتَعِينُكَ وَنَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَنُثْنِي عَلَيْكَ وَلَا نُكْفُرُكَ وَنَخْلَعُ وَنَتْرُكُ مَنْ يَفْجُرُكَ 
اللَّهُمَّ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَلَكَ نُصَلِّي وَنَسْجُدُ وَإِلَيْكَ نَسْعَى وَنَحْفِدُ نَرْجُو رَحْمَتَكَ وَنَخْشَى عَذَابَكَ إِنَّ عَذَابَكَ بِالْكُفَّارِ مُلْحَقٌ. 
O Allah! We beg help from You alone; ask forgiveness from You alone, and praise You and are not ungrateful to You and we part and break off with all those who are disobedient to you.
O Allah! You alone do we worship and pray exclusively to You and bow before You alone and we hasten eagerly towards You and we fear Your severe punishment and hope for Your Mercy as your severe punishment is surely to be meted out to the unbelievers.
See, al-Ittiqan 1/227

The above are not Surah's rather they are Supplications, we have evidence from Hadith :

“While the Messenger of Allah - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him- was supplicating against the Mudhar, Gabriel came to him and signaled him to remain silent, so he became silent. Then Gabriel said, “O Muhammad, Allah has not sent you to disparage or condemn, rather he has sent you as a mercy. And he has not sent you to bring torment. ‘Not for you, [O Muhammad, but for Allah], is the decision whether He should [cut them down] or forgive them or punish them, for indeed, they are wrongdoers.’ [Qur’an 3:128] Then he taught him this supplication, ‘O Allah! We beg help from You alone …’” (Sunan al-Kubra, Hadith 3142)

“‘Umar bin al-Khattab- may Allah be pleased with him- used to recite this in the prayers. And the Messenger –peace and blessings on him- taught it to Ali to recite this in the prayers! Yes this is true. But it’s not that it was from the Qur’an, rather it is a supplication to Allah.

Words of these two alleged surahs are part of the ‘qunoot’ supplication. The Messenger of Allah –peace and blessings of Allah on him- used to supplicate with this in the prayers, and taught this to ‘Umar,’ Ali and others from amongst the companions –Allah be pleased with them all. They all used to beseech Allah with these words in the prayers. And the Muslims heard and reported it from them and mentioned it in the books.”

(Al-Qur’an wa Naqd Mata’in al-Ruhban, Dar al-Qalam, Damascus

It is narrated from ‘Ata that when Uthman bin Affan got the Qur’an written in Masahif, he sent for Ubayy, so he dictated the text to Zaid bin Thabit. Zaid wrote it and with him was Sa’id bin al-‘Aas who perfected its form. This (standard) Mushaf was according to the recitation (qir’at) of Ubayy and Zaid. 

(Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 4789 Mo’ssas al-Resalah, Beirut, 1981 vol.2 p.587)

So clearly the Mushaf that we recite today, which includes 114 surahs, was dictated by Ubayy and is according to his recitation- may Allah be pleased with. This kills even the remotest idea of Qur’an, according to him, having something additional to what is known today.

Also Muslims have Memorised Dua Qunoot either way we have it available again Christians have lost another battle


Ibn Mas'ud (RA) 111 Surah argument busted. Below is small screenshot of the entire chapter just dedicated to this allegation. The History of the Quranic Text, from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments by Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azami pp.195

Ubay bin Ka'b 116 Surah argument busted. "there is an unaccounted-for gap of at least two to three generations" The History of the Quranic Text, from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments by Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azami pp.203

1 comment:

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