Friday, 5 April 2019

Scientific Error in the Bible

3 “If any man takes a wife and goes in to her and then hates her 14 and accuses her of misconduct and brings a bad name upon her, saying, ‘I took this woman, and when I came near her, I did not find in her evidence of virginity,’ 15 then the father of the young woman and her mother shall take and bring out the evidence of her virginity to the elders of the city in the gate. 16  And the father of the young woman shall say to the elders, ‘I gave my daughter to this man to marry, and he hates her; 17 and behold, he has accused her of misconduct, saying, “I did not find in your daughter evidence of virginity.” And yet this is the evidence of my daughter’s virginity.’ And they shall spread the cloak before the elders of the city. (Deuteronomy 22:13-17)

The above virginity test is false and cannot be a divine judgment from God. The test says if a man accuses his wife of misconduct, i.e. his newly wed wife was found not to be a virgin the first time they had sexual intercourse.  He has the right to inform the elders of the city, including her parents who have  to verify if she really was a virgin by showing the elders of the city the blood stains on the bed sheet she was laying on with her husband.  This indeed  is an embarrassing moment  for the girl who is accused of misconduct.

a commandment by the god of the bible to the children of Israel on how to identify a chaste woman.  Well. little did this god of the bible know that not every girl or woman will bleed during their first time sexual intercourse.

This is scientifically proven not every girl bleed during first time sex, has this to say:
The hymen can break quite easily before a woman has sex for the first time, through:

  • activities such as horse riding and other sports
  • using tampons
A woman may not know her hymen has broken, because it doesn't always cause pain or noticeable bleeding.

So, if a virgin can break her hymen without knowing, then naturally she won't bleed during her first time sex. Why then is she going to be accused of not being a virgin when her hymen can naturally break with ease without her knowing? Did not the god of the bible know that? How can yahweh be god if he didn't know the biological make up of a female?

Imagine how many women and girls have been mistreated for such a false text in the bible from ancient times.  This god whom the Jews and Christians worship cannot be a true God.  The bible cannot be trusted this scientific error has proved it.

Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?

                               Christian claim: Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?     Christians have been presenting strange ...