Sunday, 27 November 2016

Serious authorship dispute !!!!

Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth. (Numbers 12:3)

Interestingly, biblical commentators tell us this verse could not have been written by Moses, rather it was written much later.

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(3) Now the man Moses was very meek . . . —These words have been urged by some as an argument against the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch generally, or of the Book of Numbers in particular, but whether they may or may not have been inserted by a later writer, this inference is altogether unfounded. It is possible that the writer of Deuteronomy 34:10may have inserted these words in this place


Matthew Poole's Commentary

This is added as the reason why Moses took no notice of their reproach, but was one that heard it not, and why God did so speedily and severely plead Moses’s cause, because he did not avenge himself.

Quest. 1. Did it become Moses thus to commend himself?

Answ. 1. The holy penmen of Scripture are not to be measured or censured by other profane writers, because they are guided by special instinct in every thing they write; and as they ofttimes publish their own and their near relations’ greatest faults, where it may be useful to the honour of God, and the edification of the church in after-ages; so it is not strange if for the same reasons sometimes they commend themselves, especially when they are forced to it by the insolence and contempt of their adversaries, which was Moses’s case here, in which case St. Paul also commends himself, 2 Corinthians 11:5, &c. 2 Corinthians 12:11,12; which they might the better do, because all their writings and carriage made it evident to all men that they did not this out of vain-glory, and that they were exalted above the affectation of men’s praises, and the dread of men’s reproaches.


Jamieson-fausset- brown bible commentary
But it is not improbable that, as this verse appears to be a parenthesis, it may have been inserted as a gloss by Ezra or some later prophet. Others, instead of "very meek," suggest "very afflicted," as the proper rendering.


Pulpit commentary

The verse bears a difficulty on its very face, because it speaks of Moses in terms which could hardly have been used by Moses of himself.
And those are Christian biblical commentators not Muslims, doesn't this crumble the authenticity of the bible? One doesn't even know who wrote this section it's gets worse below we shall use the same passage but use another statement and see how it contradicts :

Bible says Moses was a very calm and humble man?
Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth. (Numbers 12:3)


Yet this humble and calm man committed horrific atrocities by the command of Yahweh.
Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every little girl who has never slept with a man. ( Number 31:17-18)


The question is, was Jesus aware of the violence and terror caused by Moses which he did by command of Yahweh? Or did he take Moses for being a humble and calm man? And if He knew his acts of terror did he condemn those actions or not, if not why?
How can taking little infant girls be equal to being a humble calm then anyone on earth?

The Way Truth and Life .....

The Way Truth and Life yes Prophet Muhammed Pbuh is Mentioned with such Qualities :

He is on the straight path the Right Way

And indeed, (O Muhammad), you guide to a straight path. (Ash-Shura 42:52)

Say: "O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of Allah, to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but He: it is He That giveth both life and death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believeth in Allah and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided." ( surah 7:58)

Then We put thee on the (right) Way of Religion: so follow thou that (Way), and follow not the desires of those who know not. (Surah 45:18)

( also quote Surah 36:3-4)


He is Sadiq (Truthful) 

And when the believers saw the clans, they said: This is what Allah and His (Prophetic) Messenger promised us, and Allah and His (Prophetic) Messenger are true, and it only added to their faith and submission (to Allah). (33:22)

He brought the truth

And say: The truth has come and the falsehood has vanished away. Undoubtedly, the falsehood is ever bound to vanish. (17:81)

And he who has come with the truth and he who accepts it as the truth, such are those that guard (against evil). (39:33)

How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and had witnessed that the Messenger is true and clear signs had come to them? And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. [Surah 3:86]

“The Prophet () , he said, "Don't you trust me though I am the truth worthy man of the One in the Heavens, and I receive the news of Heaven (i.e. Divine Inspiration) both in the morning and in the evening?” [Sahih Bukhari 4351, Sahih Muslim 1064b]


He calls you to that which gives you life

O you who believe! Answer (the call of) Allah and the (Prophetic) Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life, and know that Allah comes between the man and his own heart, and that to Him you shall be gathered. (8:24)


John 14:6 has been cancelled, nullified, invalidated, voided, overridden, overthrown, overturned, revoked, scrapped, abolished, vacated, withdrawn, disannulled, countermanded by Surah 4:13
These are the limits set by Allah. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, He will admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow, where he will live forever. That is a great success. (Surah 4:13)
God has promised those who believe and work righteousness: they will have forgiveness and a great reward.(Surah 5:9)
The Words of Allah Swt overrides the sayings of any man or jinn. Thus, John 14:6 holds no authority. Jesus of the bible is not the only way to God. Christians must Submit

30. Surely, those who say: “Our Lord is God,” and then go straight, the angels will descend upon them: “Do not fear, and do not grieve, but rejoice in the news of the Garden which you were promised. (Surah 41:30)

 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity—they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Surah 2:177)


Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?

                               Christian claim: Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?     Christians have been presenting strange ...