Recently I came
across a Facebook post written by a Christian Nigerian Apologist by the name of
Korede. I normally don’t pay attention to his post as it makes no sense at all, and
all he does is seek attention to build an audience so he can get many likes. What
grasped my attention was, when korede posted 3 verses from the Quran thinking
he found inconsistency demanding an answer. Let’s read what out Christian friend
posted, before we refute it. Just for the record he also made a meme, which I shall
add to my blog along side this article In Shaa Allah.
This is what
Korede posted :
Just about two
weeks ago, I showed an example of how Allah when intends to narrate an
incident, ending up presenting a CONFLICTING stories altogether, I gave an
example with Lot and his people according to the Qur'an.
Here is
another example, we ask, what exactly did Abraham say in response to this
Angels? and is this a single event or three different scenary?
And certainly did Our messengers come to Abraham with good tidings; they said, "Peace." He said, "PEACE," and did not delay in bringing [them] a roasted calf.
And certainly did Our messengers come to Abraham with good tidings; they said, "Peace." He said, "PEACE," and did not delay in bringing [them] a roasted calf.
When they entered upon him and said, "Peace." [Abraham] said, "INDEED, WE ARE FEARFUL OF YOU."
When they entered upon him and said, "Peace." [Abraham] said, "INDEED, WE ARE FEARFUL OF YOU."
When they entered upon him and said, "[We greet you with] peace." He answered, "[And upon you] peace, [you are] A PEOPLE UNKNOWN.
When they entered upon him and said, "[We greet you with] peace." He answered, "[And upon you] peace, [you are] A PEOPLE UNKNOWN.
exactly was his response?
I can understand the Gospel account narrating event from different point of
views of the authors, but SINCE Allah is the ONLY AUTHOR of the Qur'an, why are
these conflicting issues away? or could it that I need to understand Arabic in
order to COMPREHEND this?
Now I know Christian
have a problem with the Oneness of God Almighty. They normally try to make
silly posts here and there, twisting scriptures making seem like they found an
error or discrepancy, which always backfires on them after they get refuted. However
on this occasion, im very baffled why a Christian would even try to make such a
post, when this type of language and phrases are found throughout the Quran in
many places. I’m glad Korede admitted that the Gospels have narrated DIFFERENT
POINT OF VIEWS? Note korede said DIFFERENT POINT VIEWS, i.e. their own
opinions, views nothing inspirational. Let’s
stick to the topic and refute such a weak claim made by Korede.
korede used
3 verses from the Quran of the same event. He claims if the story are the same
why are there differences in other chapters? Why cant the same story be repeated
And certainly did Our messengers
come to Abraham with good tidings; they said, "Peace." He said,
"PEACE," and did not delay in bringing [them] a roasted calf. (Quran 11:69_
When they entered upon him and said, "Peace." [Abraham] said, "INDEED, WE ARE FEARFUL OF YOU." (Quran 15:52)
When they entered upon him and said, "[We greet you with] peace." He answered, "[And upon you] peace, [you are] A PEOPLE UNKNOWN. (Quran 51:25)
analyse these verse’s and see if there is any such problem like Korede claims,
and address what was the actual response of Abraham Pbuh to the angels. Quran 11:69
tells us the angels came Abraham Pbuh and greeted Peace, and so did Abraham
Pbuh greet peace, he did not delay in bringing them a roasted calf. Lets move
on to Quran 15:52 The angels entered and greeted him with Peace, ' He said: "Indeed we are frightened of you.' And in Quran 51:52
when the angels entered and greeted him Abraham Pbuh he also greeted them with
Peace and said: "You are a people unknown to me.''.
diversity of the words of the stories in the Quran does not require that all
those very words were said exactly the same, and no one says this; rather,
narrating stories and sayings in many cases is with the meaning, it is for this
reason that the words of the stories in the Quran differ from one place to
There is no
problem with this at all, because what is important about the accuracy of
reporting statements and narrating them is to render the content of the
statement and its meaning, and it is not a condition that this be with the same
exact words as were said by the speaker. It is for this reason that the style
of the Quran varies and that its words vary about the narration of one single
story and one single incident.
Indeed, Imaam Ibn Jamaa’ah elaborated on this issue in
his book Kashf Al-Ma’aani, as he said:
"Issue: What is the reason for the difference
of words and providing more or less meanings about some stories about Aadam
(Adam) but not in some other stories, as well as in other stories like the
story of Moosa (Moses) with Pharaoh, the story of Nooh (Noah), Hood (Hud) and
Saalih with their people and the like? Answer: The difference in the terms
(wording) is because what is intended is the meanings, because the words that
signify this meaning, firstly, were not from the Arabic language but in the
language of the speakers when that meaning took place; and when that meaning
was conveyed to this nation, it was conveyed with Arabic words that mean that
meaning while the wordings are different but the meaning is the same, so there
is no difference between {…he refused to be with those who prostrated…} [Quran
15:31], and {He was not of those who prostrated.} [Quran 7:11] in conveying the
same meaning which is the lack of prostration [i.e. he did not prostrate].
Also, there is no difference in meaning between {O Iblees, why do you not
prostrate...} [Quran 38:75] and {What prevented you from prostrating...} [Quran
7:12] As regards providing more meaning in some stories while not providing it
in some other stories then this is because the meaning mentioned in some
stories is different so some of it is mentioned at a particular place and some
other is mentioned at another place for several benefits.”

"If it was asked: How did Allaah say when
narrating about the magicians who believed and about Pharaoh: {They said, We
have believed in the Lord of the worlds.} [Quran 7:121] until the saying of
Allaah in the same Chapter {…and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You].}
[Quran 7:126]; then Allaah reported this meaning about them in Soorahs Taaha
and Ash-Shu’araa with some increase (more details) and decrease (less details)
in the words attributed to them; and this incident took place only once, so how
is it that its wording varied? We say: The answer is: they spoke about that in
their own language and not in the Arabic language, and Allaah told that about
them repeatedly in the Arabic language, for a wisdom that required repetition,
so at a time Allaah narrated it identical to their wording in translation as a
way of keeping the same wording, and then Allaah narrated it with the meaning
as a way of being in conformity with the speech of the Arabs in diversity in
speech and style so that the listener would not be bored when he listens to the
same thing repeated.” [Excerpted from his book: Unmoothaj Jaleel fi As’ilah wa Ajwibah ‘an
Gharaa’ib Aay At-Tanzeel]
Now that we’ve
cleared, how different chapters have different sayings. Lets clear koredes
to see why korede would play hide and seek with his followers on facebook, and
other media streams. Why didn’t korede post each and every chapter, which
speaks of the story of Abraham Pbuh and the angels? Is it because he knew he
would get exposed there and then?. I would like to ask my friend Korede why didn’t
you not add Surah Hud verse 69-76?
Indeed Our messengers came to Abraham, bearing glad tidings. They greeted
him with 'peace', and Abraham answered back to them 'peace', and hurriedly
brought to them a roasted calf. When he perceived that their hands could not
reach it, he mistrusted them, and felt afraid of them. They said: 'Do
not be afraid. We have been sent to the people of Lot. And Abraham's
wife was standing by and on hearing this she laughed. And We gave
her the good news of (the birth of) Isaac, and after Isaac, of Jacob. She
said: 'Woe is me! Shall I bear a child now that I am an old woman and
my husband is well advanced in years.8This is indeed strange!' They said: 'Do you
wonder at Allah's decree? Allah's mercy and His blessings be upon you, O
people of the house. Surely, He is Praiseworthy, Glorious.' Thus when
fear had left Abraham and the good news had been conveyed to him, he began to
dispute with Us concerning the people of Lot. Surely Abraham was
forbearing, tender hearted and oft-turning to Allah. Thereupon (Our
angels) said to him: 'O Abraham! Desist from this, for indeed your Lord's
command has come; and a chastisement which cannot be averted84 is about to
befall them.' (Surah 11:69-76)
SubhanAllah the entire story of the angels are told in this one chapter,
which our friend korede kept hidden. Notice how the angels greeted Abraham pbuh
he greeted back, he hurried and brought them roasted calf. He was afraid
because they did not eat the food. In surah 15:52 Abraham Pbuh told the angels
is he afraid, in surah 11 the angels tell him not to be afraid. Now coming Surah
51:52, which would have been said after the initial greetings took place by
both sides. Here’s a commentary behind it. In view of the context in which this sentence has occurred,
it can have two meanings:
(1) That the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) himself
said to the guests: I have never had the chance to see you before, you are
perhaps new-comers in this land.
(2) That after responding to their salutation, the Prophet
Abraham (peace be upon him) said these words to himself, or to his servants,
while going inside the house for arranging the feast: They appear to be
strangers, people of their noble nature and appearance have not been seen
before in this land.
This again
falls directly in line with the events, which were being made mention of in
other chapters. so the response by Abraham Pbuh cannot be taken by as one statement,
rather it was an ongoing conversation which is told to use in different
chapters making up the entire story.
Let me elaborate more
If I narrate to you one story in 4 different ways, I may say 1 narration in its entirety and the rest of the three narration in a summarised way. E.g
Narration 1
An old man took his Dog out for a walk, he bumped into his neighbour said hello how are you spoke for a while, then soon after he went to the local shop tied his dog outside, brought milk and newspaper. On his way back sat on the bench whist his dog was playing in the park. Read his paper and went back home.
Narrarion 2
An old man took his dog out for a walk met his neighbour went to the shop, went home.
Narration 3
An old man took his dog out whilst on his way to the shop, met his neighbour shook hands had a chat. They both went to the shop he bought a couple of items and left.
Narration 4
An old man took his dog out for a walk, went to his neighbours house, they both went to the shop together, he bought milk and newspaper, they both went to the park sat had a chat then they set off home
Now can korede tell me if there is any problem with my narrations? It seems like they contradict right. But taking a closer look which korede fails on doing shows no discrepancies. Lets add all narration together and see if they contradict.
Notice how narration 2 hardly gives an explanation of the full event, yet reading all the accounts gives a broader and much clear picture of what happened. Narration 3 says they shook hands which could be done even if narration 1, 2, 4 makes no mention of. An event could take place without it being made mention of.
For the sake of korede let’s dwell deeper in the verse.
Tell them about the guests of Abraham. When they entered his presence and said, "Peace!" He said, "We feel afraid of you!" They said: "Fear not! We give thee glad tidings of a son endowed with wisdom." (Surah 15:51-53)
Tell them about the guests of Abraham. When they entered his presence and said, "Peace!" He said, "We feel afraid of you!" They said: "Fear not! We give thee glad tidings of a son endowed with wisdom." (Surah 15:51-53)
Has the story reached thee, of the honoured guests of Abraham? Behold, they entered his presence, and said: "Peace!" He said, "Peace!" (and thought, "These seem) unusual people." Then he turned quickly to his household, brought out a fatted calf, And placed it before them.. he said, "Will ye not eat?" (When they did not eat), He conceived a fear of them. They said, "Fear not," and they gave him glad tidings of a son endowed with knowledge. (Surah51:24-28)
As if they had never dwelt and flourished there. Ah! Behold! for the Thamud rejected their Lord and Cherisher! Ah! Behold! removed (from sight) were the Thamud! There came Our messengers to Abraham with glad tidings. They said, "Peace!" He answered, "Peace!" and hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf. But when he saw their hands went not towards the (meal), he felt some mistrust of them, and conceived a fear of them. They said: "Fear not: We have been sent against the people of Lut." And his wife was standing (there), and she laughed: But we gave her glad tidings of Isaac, and after him, of Jacob. (Surah 11:68-71)
Surah 15:52 is addressing the later part of what Abraham Pbuh said to the angels, which they replied in response do no be afraid. You can see from the aboves passages, the story was a snippet in Surah 15:52, as the roasted calf is not mentioned. According to commentary we read for Surah 51:25 When they came to him, they said: “Peace”; he said: “Peace also be to you; (you seem to be) a group of strangers.”
In view of the context in which this sentence has occurred, it can have two meanings:
In view of the context in which this sentence has occurred, it can have two meanings:
(1) That the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) himself said to the guests: I have never had the chance to see you before, you are perhaps new-comers in this land.
(2) That after responding to their salutation, the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) said these words to himself, or to his servants, while going inside the house for arranging the feast: They appear to be strangers, people of their noble nature and appearance have not been seen before in this land. (Islamic studies Tafheem)
Korede did you read Tafsir Al Jalayn? You favorite tafsir scholar what did he say regrading surah 15:52
[how] when they entered unto him, and said, ‘Peace!’, that is, [they said] this very word (salām). He, Abraham, said, after having offered them food which they did not eat: ‘Lo! we are afraid of you’.
Again this was after the food was brought them and the Tafsir from Islamic studies tafheem says “That after responding to their salutation, the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) said these words to himself, or to his servants, while going inside the house for arranging the feast: They appear to be strangers, people of their noble nature and appearance have not been seen before in this land.” Which explains the we are afraid speakin a plural sense including his family and households.
Why would you not share Tafis Al Jalayn? Why hide is like you did Surah 11?
The story of
Abraham Pbuh and the angels, were summarized in different chapters to different
audiences. Surah 11 tells us completes the entire story. There is no
inconsistency it’s only the ones with perversity in their hearts make up lies,
but get refuted. Allah Swt has made mention of those people :
It is He Who has revealed the Book to you. Some of its verses are
absolutely clear and lucid, and these are the core of the Book. Others
are ambiguous.6 Those in whose hearts there is perversity, always go
about the part which is ambiguous, seeking mischief and seeking to arrive at
its meaning arbitrarily, although none knows their true meaning except Allah.
On the contrary, those firmly rooted in knowledge say: 'We believe in it; it is
all from our Lord alone.' No one derives true admonition from anything except
the men of understanding. (Surah 3:7)
Allah Swt knows Best.