Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Big change

Interesting! i recently posted two version of the Torah and a Christian guy by the name of Peter responded by saying "(how does this change the message of God"

Well, Peter Moron has certainly opened a can of worms. let me first post what the two differences are before making a commentary.

10 commandments (one of the extended commandment)

You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.” (Exodus 20:17 Masoretic Torah)


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, and not thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour's. And when it so happens that LORD God brings you to the land of Caanan, which you are coming to posses, you shall set-up there for you great stones and plaster them with plaster and you write on the stones all words of this law. And it becomes for you that across the Jordan you shall raise these stones, which I command you today, in mountain Grizim. And you build there the altar to the LORD God of you. Altar of stones. Not you shall wave on them iron. With whole stones you shall build the altar to LORD God of you. And you bring on it ascend offerings to LORD God of you, and you sacrifice peace offerings, and you eat there and you rejoice before the face of the LORD God of you. The mountain this is across the Jordan behind the way of the rising of the sun, in the land of Caanan who is dwelling in the desert before the Galgal, beside Alvin-Mara, before Sechem. (Exodus 20:17 Samaritan Torah)

Right let’s proceed. notice the Masoretic text which was written during the 11th century by the masoretes stops at neighbours. However, the Samaritan Torah carries on giving more commands, but the question is, how does that change the message of God?

Read it for yourself. the Samaritan adds additional information to God's plan. When God brings the Israelite's to the land of Canaan, which they are to possess. They must set up GREAT STONES, AND ON THE STONES WRITE THE WORD OF GOD. And they should RAISE THE STONES ACROSS JORDAN. They should also BUILD A ALTER OF STONES WAIVING IRON ON THEM. with the WHOLE STONES BUILD AN ALTER. On those STONE BUILT ALTER MAKE SACRIFICE PEACE OFFERINGS.

Wow! Imagine how Yahweh emphasised how important STONES were in writing God's word worshipping and sacrificing. That is a major change in the message which is missing from the Masoretic?

Why don't you follow that command with STONES? Where are whose STONE MADE WRITINGS AND ALTERS? So in answering your question yes, there is a change in the message

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