Saturday, 10 August 2024

What comes forth between the backbone and ribs?


Assalamu Alaikum


1. By the sky and the night comer –

2. And what can make you know what is the night comer?

3. It is the piercing star

4. There is no soul but that it has over it a protector.

5. So let man observe from what he was created.

6. He was created from a fluid, ejected,

7. Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs.

8. Indeed, He [i.e., Allah], to return him [to life], is Able.

9. The Day when secrets will be put on trial,

[Surah 86:1-9]


Christians make the claim the Qur’an has a “scientific error” where it states semen comes from the backbone and ribs. Let us look at the verse and find out whether it is speaking about semen coming forth between the backbone and ribs.


The apparent contention is verse 7 however, we shall start a couple of verses prior which will explain the entire context to what and who the verse is referring to. Notice verse 5 informs us to observe what we [man] are created from. Verse 6 continues to inform us what substance, components are use as part of man’s creation. Verse 7 the verse in question, tells us something is emerging from between the backbone and ribs. Verse 8 -9 Allah Swt will bring man to life on the Day of Resurrection.


The question is, what is emerging?


Now Christians claim its semen, possibly reading a English translation, assuming semen is what emerges. Does the verse really say that?


The Arabic word used in Surah 86:6 is مَاءٍ (water) not نُطْفَةً (sperm). We know one of the elements of human is water, as mention in Surah 21:30.


Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe? [Surah 21:30]


All living things are created from water.


Below is a screenshot from Hans Wehr 4th ed. Dictionary:



Now that we have established the verse does not read semen, let us identify what is emerging. In Arabic if you want to find out what the Pronoun is you have to go back to the last noun. This is case the last noun goes back to verse 5 where it reads “So let man observe from what he was created.” If man is being addressed as the noun, then by default using the rules of grammar verse 7 the pronoun will be referring to the man who is being issued forth between the backbone and ribs.


This is not a phenomenon that is unknown to medical science anatomy, specifically to an embryologist. This researched is well established and known throughout the medical world.


In the late second trimester and third trimester, the uterus expands upward to accommodate the developing fetus. As the fetus gets larger and larger, they may start to press against the ribs. Carrying the extra weight of the fetus can also place more strain on the muscles around the abdomen, which can, in turn, put pressure on the rib muscles, causing muscle aches.


For the record there are various way (methods) of explaining this. Sulb means male and Tara'ib means female. You can also using modern day technology see where the fetus or developed baby is situated the positioning showing it’s between the backbone and ribs of the mother.



The imagine below shows the child between the backbone and ribs this is during the third trimester.





Let is break this down and simply it.



·        Verse 5 – Let man observe [ponder, think] from what he was created from.


·        Verse 6 – He [man] issued forth from between the backbone and ribs.     The correct reading for مَاءٍ should be "water" i.e. the element used for the creation of man who issued forth between the backbone & ribs. From context Surah 86:5-8 is speaking about the creation of man.


·         Verse 7 – He [man] issued forth from between the backbone and ribs.     


·         Verse 8 & 9 –   Allah Swt will raise man back to life and on the Day of Resurrection of secrets will be disclosed.






Surah 86 is not a scientific error as these dishonest, repulsive Christian apologist claim. The verses are clear they are speaking of mans creation from start to the point of birth followed by being resurrected to face the Day of Judgement which every human will stand on trial.



They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. [Surah 9:32]



They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. [Surah 61:8]

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