Sunday, 26 February 2017

Man takes precedence over his Wife!

To the woman He said, "I shall surely increase your sorrow and your pregnancy; in pain you shall bear children. And to your husband will be your desire, and he will rule over you." (Genesis 3:16)

Notice from the above text how Yahweh punished Eve for eating the fruit. Compare her punishment with Adam, it seems clear, Yahweh was lenient towards man and extremely harsh towards the woman. Let’s take a closer look at the text, women will bear labour pain. Question is, how could a loving caring God make every  women on earth suffer with such a traumatic pain for the error of one person?

Here's the interesting part, the husband of the woman will be her desire and he will rule over her. Jewish commentator Rashi gives us a good explanation of what that means:

Rashi's commentary :

And to your husband will be your desire: for intimacy, but, nevertheless, you will not have the audacity to demand it of him with your mouth, but he will rule over you. Everything is from him and not from you. — [from Eruv. ad loc.]

Classical commentator Rashi explains this verse is saying women have no right  over their  husband, they can't even demand intimacy even if they had the urge to. The key point to note is MAN WILL RULE OVER HIS WIFE. This is such a strong  statement  giving man all power to dominate over his wife. What does it mean  "Rule over you"?

If you search the word "Rule" in any English dictionary you'll find it typically means :("exercise ultimate power or authority over an area and its people. control of or dominion over an area or people.) in other words the husband is the sole ruler, King, authority, judge dominator over his wife. Which means the husband does what he likes when he likes, taking precedence and his wife cannot do anything about it other than accepting his decision. 

Here's the problem Christians face. If man is the master over his wife making  her no less than a servant, then what prevents him from beating her? There is  no prohibition in the bible regarding wife beating.  Think about it, if the husband is her desire who rules over her, it's natural he can beat her if she displeases him. If the bible allows the master to beat his servant whether man or women (Exodus 21:20) what could  prevent the husband from beating his wife since he is her master who owns her. She has no free will.


Let's break this down :


The desire for a woman will be her husband.


Her husband will rule over her.


Women has no say nor can she demand anything from her husband.


Her husband has all power and authority to do what he likes.


Her husband can beat her as he is her ruler 


The bible does not prohibit wife beating.

Let the bible speak!

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