Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Many miracles

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. (John 21:25)



Suppose Jesus did 1 miracle each hour that would mean he did 24 miracles a day. 24 x 7 = 168.  168 x 4 = 672. So far in a month Jesus would have done 672 miracles


672 x 12 = 8,064. 8,064 x 3 = 24,192.


In summary Jesus would have done 24,192 miracles within the 3 years of his ministry thus, proving John's statement that not all his miracles can be contained in all the books of the earth.


Now Christians may say Jesus did miracles way before his ministry. let's do the same for the missing years of his life


8,064 x 30 = 241,920 + 24,192 = 266,112. To leave no stones unturned we even started his  miracles from the age 1. So now we have a greater number of 266,112. Are you saying 266,112 miracles are unable to be contained in all the books of the earth?


For the record "Whitby, Chandler, and many others, have supported this construction. According to it John informs us, that if all the miracles which Jesus performed were written, the world itself could not receive the books" (Benson commentary)


And there are also many other things which Jesus did,.... Which refer not to his doctrines and discourses, his sermons and prayers, and the conversation he had with his disciples, and others, on different accounts; but to the signs, and wonders, and miraculous operations, which were done by him, that are neither recorded in this, nor in any of the evangelists: (Gills Exposition of the entire Bible)


According to Gill's John 21:25 is speaking of the signs, wonders and miracle however, the same rule would apply for his sermon. If we are to assume, he gave 266,112 sermons, one can still contain them all in books  


“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. (John 14:12)


How many Christians can stand up and admit they can do greater miracles than Jesus?  Are you also willing to demonstrate any of those miracles publicly?


Throughout the "gospels" Jesus specifically did 4 miracles that is not including the repetitions such as healing. How many can you Christians do which is far greater than your so-called saviour?


Confused? Why not try this to see if you qualify being a true believer. Can you blossom figs from a fig tree which is out of season? considering your man-god was unable to do so himself, prove to us you can do a greater miracle than him. Please refrain from saying John 14:12 is metaphorical not literal and that is not what it means; it means so and so, cut nonsense. The text is clear just read how he starts his statement “I tell you the truth" truth about what? Truth about the believers and what they can do.


You now have two options to choose from


1.      what Jesus said was not true and the whole saying is nonsensical and meaningless thus, it must not be taken as truth and should be dismissed


2.      you prove the words of your Jesus by performing miracles greater than him thus, authenticating the truthfulness of his words


If you cannot perform any miracles greater than your Jesus, then you're not a truth believer


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