Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Permissible to eat Camel meat and drink urine (The Biblical and oral ruling)

It's ironic how Christians bring up arguments which only backfire on them. Take for example the consumption of Camel meat. Christians tell us, that the Bible forbids the consumption of Camel meat, unlike Islam. in Islam, Muslims are allowed to eat Camel whys that? What's worse a Christian by the name of Robert wells said,  "Camel meat or Camel pee is not allowed". This is what you call a desperate apologist seeking attention.

The golden question is, does the Bible really forbid the consumption of Camel meal or it's urine? Well if one scans the entire Bible, then the only places where he'd find such prohibition on Camel meat is in the "Torah". well not really, even then the Torah makes a stupendous error on Camel and its features.

“But the following, which bring up the cud or have true hoofs that are cleft through, you may not eat: the camel, the hare, and the hyrax — for although they bring up the cud, they have no true hoofs — they are unclean for you; also the swine — for although it has true hoofs, it does not bring up the cud — is unclean for you. You shall not eat of their flesh” (Deuteronomy 14:7-8).

Every animal that does not have a divided hoof or that does not chew the cud is unclean for you; whoever touches the carcass of any of them will be unclean. (Leviticus 11:26)


So, the reason you can't eat Camel is, because it does not have divided hoofs? Is that really the case, not according to Rashi one of the renowned Tanack/Tamuld scholar.

“The camel, for it chews its cud and does not have true split hoofs, is impure for you.” Rashi on Leviticus 11:26: “‘Which split the hoof but is not cloven-footed’ — such as a camel, the hoof of which is parted above but below it is joined.” Rashi’s words are puzzling, for the camel’s split hooves are parted above and below (the camel is counted among the cloven-footed by zoological classification). one of the authors of the Tosfot, on Leviticus 11:3, “Rashi maintains that the camel’s hooves are split above and joined below, and this requires study, for if so, he should have removed the camel from the class of the cloven hoofed and written ‘its hooves are not cloven'” (which the Torah did not write about the camel; it only wrote, ‘and does not have true split hoofs’), just as we said.
We find that according to Rashi the camel is kosher, for it splits its hooves and has cloven hooves above and below, and chews its cud.Therefore you should say that the Torah did not call the camel “split hoofed” since it walks on the pads of its feet and not on the edge of the split like the goat and the sheep. But the factual truth is that the camel is truly cloven hoofed.

In other words, not all Camels, rather a specific type of Camels which does not have divided hooves. This means Camel in general are kosher and permissible to eat. This is what happens when Christians read the text only without looking deeper into the texts or consulting with a Jewish Bible scholar. This is why the Jews have their own commentary on the Tanack i.e. Talmud. This is not rocket science, all you have to do is look at the Hoof of a Camel and see yourself if its divided or not?

Does that look like a hoof which is not divided?

Now coming to the Christian Bible, where Camel meat and swine is permissible to eat. Interesting the New Testament is clear "ALL FOOD IS CLEAN". Jesus nor Paul objected any of his followers to abandon such food which the Old Testament calls unclean. Take for example this statement by Jesus to the Jews

What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." (Matthew 15:11)

Thus, according to the words of Jesus, man can eat all types of food, nothing he eats would defile him. Isn't this something? We have the Old Testament telling us, what types of food is permissible, and which isn't, yet on the other hand the New Testament ruling seems to makes it clear, ALL FOOD IS PERMISSBLE TO EAT. What about Paul, what did he have to say about food regulations?

Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. (Roman 14:20)

There you have it. Paul made it clear "ALL FOOD IS CLEAN". You can't get any more explicit then that. It's without a doubt, Jesus and Paul both had no problem with Camel meat as eatable food. Now that we've clear this issue, let's move  to the next point, which Robert wells raised. Drinking Camel pee? To be honest, one can't blame Robert for his sheer ignorance on such a subject. Had this guy known anything about Jewish oral law, then he would not have made such a comment.

It was customary, in Talmudic times, for those suffering from jaundice to drink donkey urine as a cure.
The sages asked: is one permitted to drink donkey urine, said to cure jaundice? Why should one ask specifically about donkey urine? It is clear to us that the urine of camels and of horses is permitted for drinking since their urine is clear and is, in essence, the water which they drank. Water went in, and water came out.
The donkey’s urine comes out cloudy. There are grounds to permit it and grounds to forbid it. What are the issues under debate? On one hand, the urine is cloudy, and one might suppose that its cloudiness stems from the process of urine production, which is similar to the process of milk production, from the donkey’s own body. Just as one is forbidden to drink the milk of an ass, so is one forbidden to drink the urine.
On the other hand, there is room for leniency, and the donkey’s urine may be permitted as one is permitted the urine of the camel and the horse; one may claim that the donkey’s urine does not undergo a process of production like that of milk, but that it has the status of water which went in and water which went out. The reason that it is cloudy not because something of the donkey has been mixed in, but because the donkey’s bodily vapors influence the urine and turn it cloudy.
The Talmud rules that one may not drink the donkey’s urine, but the religious arbiters are divided on the practical issue of whether one may also drink a donkey’s urine. (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Bechorot 7a)

The Talmud is clear, Camel and horse urine are clean, whereas donkey urine is good to cure jaundice. There's nothing to be ashamed of, this was a medication used by ancient people before the invention of vaccine/ capsule and other medical medicines which we take for granted, all by a prescription by a GP (General Practitioner). Did not Jesus say,
What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." (Matthew 15:11) can this not also include Camel, horse, donkey urine for medical use? What's with the embarrassment? If this really was a problem, why then didn't Jesus condemn the action of drinking animal urine? We have many places where Jesus seem to have abrogated rulings from the Torah and Talmud, why then did he not mention the drinking of urine? Here's another saying found in the Talmud on how urine is good for medical purpose only otherwise nor permissible

What is the ruling with regard to drinking urine on Shabbat? Rava said to him: We already learned in the mishna: One may drink all drinks, and people do not drink urine and is not considered a drink. It is only consumed for medical purposes and is therefore prohibited. (Talmud Shabbat 110a:5)

we can conclude, Camel is kosher, and its urine is permissible for medical purpose only

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