Sunday, 12 March 2017

According to Matthew the very First words that Jesus uttered was "FORGIVE ME"

Matthew says -

Jesus replied, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented. (Matthew 3:15 )

However, Jesus's first words in the New Testament are not "Let it be so
now", rather the word used here is "Forgive me". The word used is "aphes"
meaning forgive me. How do we know this? In the Lord's prayer in Matthew
6:12 reads:

"And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors."

The word used here is aphes, meaning forgive.
Also in Luke 11:4 -

"Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us."

Again, the word used here is aphes, therefore Jesus's first words ever
spoken in the New Testament according to Matthew is "forgive me", God is asking John the Baptist for forgiveness.


In short if you read from context  people from Jerusalem and all of judea would come to John the Baptist  confessing their sins whilst getting baptised by him. Jesus also appeared to John the Baptist to get baptised. Though John the Baptist was hesitant to baptise him, "Jesus said forgive me it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness." Then John consented."  So Jesus asking forgiveness goes perfectly well with the context. John preached repent and performed baptism, Jesus repented by asking forgiveness and was baptised!. 

This says a lot for a man who was supposed to be the redeemer taking away the sins of mankind, yet Matthew tells us he himself asked forgiveness and was a sinners.

How absurd!.

There is no way of confirming Jesus of the bible was not a sinner. Bear in mind 30 years of his life is missing with the exception of 1-2 days when he was 12 years old. from the time Jesus was born we have no record form the gospels on what he did. Luke writes of an incident during Jesus's adolescence at the temple with the rabbis and his parents. He was 12 years old.
So, from the time of his birth till the age of "about 30" (as Luke states) we have no information of what Jesus did?

Jesus never claimed to be sinless. no gospels record Jesus saying i am sinless. As a human nothing suggests Jesus cannot be a sinner and then ask for forgiveness. it's a human nature to sin.
during the apparent 3 years of Jesus's ministry not every single day of Jesus's live is recorded. e.g Jesus enters Jerusalem by evening leaves for Bethany with his disciples, on his way hungry Jesus curses a fig tree, enters Jerusalem throws a tantrum inside the temple, that evening his disciple leave Jerusalem and witness the tree withered. all that happened within 24 hours? So, that all that Jesus did that day. enter Jerusalem, get a donkey and colt travel back to Bethany and leave again for Jerusalem?
Christians cannot shows from from the lips of their Jesus where is said he is sinless?
here's something interesting. according to the first known quotation of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas is from Irenaeus of Lyon around AD 185. The earliest possible date of authorship is in the 80s AD. the text says when Jesus was a boy age 5 he killed another boy? Now Christians have no way to reject this claim since their Gospels does not say anything about when he was 5 years old. they can deny all they want, but its a no win battle


How do you know bible Jesus did not have sex with a little girl? 30 years of his life missing with the exception of 2 days when he was 12 years old (the temple incident), rather, your Jesus's all of a sudden shows up when he is 33 years old? what exactly did he do for past 30 years of his life? can you honestly provide evidence he didn't have sex with a little girl whom he married ? the fact the Child marriage was permissible during the time of Jesus restricts any idea of him not having one. A Jew may marry 3 year and one day old girl (Sanhedrin 55b)

Jesus wanted to keep everything he did a secret.

See that you say nothing to anyone (Mark 1:44)

Peter answered, “You are the Messiah.” Jesus warned them not to tell anyone about him.(Mark 8:27-30)

“Tell no man what was done” (Luke 8:56)

And he strictly ordered them not to make him known.(Mark 3:12)

A man who kept telling his disciples to keep everything he said a secret is able to keep his 30 years of life a bigger secret.

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