Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God!

And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. (Luke 4:12)

I was told this verse is evidence that Jesus is god.  How did my Christian friend come to this conclusion? Well this misunderstanding came through the context. Satan challenged Jesus by asking him to jump from the top of the temple to see if he really was the son of god. If he was then the angels of God would save him. In response Jesus replied “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Here’s where he misunderstood the entire saying, Jesus said Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Quoting from Deuteronomy. The sentence finishes by saying “the Lord thy God” indicating the person who is speaking is that God, as in referring to himself. Wrong!

Let’s examine this statement, Jesus used to defend himself from jumping off the temple. The actual statement found in the book of Deuteronomy goes like this Do not try the LORD your God, as you did at Massah. (Deuteronomy 6:16)

When Jesus quoted the verse he didn’t complete it, rather left the most important part so people don’t think he was claiming to be God. Notice the verse finishes by saying “as you did at Massah “. This is because the Israelites quarrelled with Moses if the lord was with them.

So they quarreled with Moses and said, "Give us water to drink." Moses replied, "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you put the LORD to the test?" (Exodus 17:2)

We can see the response from Moses was, Why do you put the LORD to the test” this was emphasised in the book of Deuteronomy, specifically mentioning the name of the place where it all happened  “Massah”. Rashi and Ibn Ezra  make mention of this

במסה IN MASSAH, when they went forth from Egypt: that they put Him to the test in respect to water, as it is said, (Exodus 17:7) that they asked, “Is the Lord amongst us or not?". (Rashi Deuteronomy 6:16 commentary)

in Massah the name of a place , as in “He called the name of the place Massah…” [Exodus 17: 7]. There I explained the meaning of the name [comment on Exodus 17: 2]. People were questioning whether “God is among us” [Exodus 17: 7]: If so, we will worship him. But there is no need to put God to the test. Simply keep his commandments; and if you do what is right in His sight, He will grant you every good, and (Ibn Ezra Deuteronomy 6:16)

it’s clear when Jesus was quoting the Old Testament to Satan, he was reminding him of what the Jews said to Moses, not that he was claiming to be God.  In fact we have statement from Yahweh where he speaks the contrary

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. (Malachi 3:10)

Notice how Yahweh is saying “Test me in this” if putting the lord to test was forbidden, then why did Yahweh make mention of it on Malachi? It makes no sense. It’s obvious when the Jews were quarrelling to know if the Lord was amongst them, a sense of disbelief came from them. ." Moses replied, "Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you put the LORD to the test?" (Exodus 17:2)

We can conclude, Jesus made no claim that he was God when he said to Satan “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” (Luke 4:12).  To be frank we can destroy this argument by Jesus’s next encounter with Satan, found in the book of  Matthew.

"And he (Satan) said to him (Jesus), "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” (Matthew 4:9)

If Satan already knew Jesus is God why would he offer him a piece of land? Think about it, does God not already own the whole universe. how could Satan offer God something he already owns unless Satan was stupid, which highly unlikely in this case.

Can Satan say to God "fall down and worship me" use your brain, can he!

just for laugh

Muslim: are you allowed to eat pork?

Christian:  yes

Muslim: ? does not the Torah forbid the consumption of swine?

Christian: yes, but we are under the new Covenant with Jesus, so all food is permissible.

Muslims: ohh right!  So, you can eat Camel meat right?

Christian: NO! the Torah forbids us to eat Camel meat, unlike you Muslims.

Muslim: didn’t you say your under the new Covenant of Jesus, and all food is allowed, so why stop at the Camel.

Christians: ?!*?:1? Im busy now I have to go!


Muslim : can you explain songs of solomon 8:8

Christian : you dont understand what it means.

Muslim : really please enlighten us.

Christian : it means when we marry christ we need to be prepared.

Muslim : marry christ?

Christian : yes marry christ.

Muslim : what is the relation with breast to marrying christ?

Christian : well the breast needs to be big when a woman gets married.

Muslim : what's it got to do with Christ?

Christians : you need the Holy Ghost to understand


Christian : did you know Jesus came and took our sins away.

Muslim : ohh! So your sinless?

Christian : Yes! free from Satan’s evil sin, thanks to Jesus

Muslim : so does that mean your going to paradise?

Christian : Yes ! all who believe in the crucifixion and resurrection are saved and will be with Christ.

Muslim : so what’s stopping you?

Christian what do you mean?

Muslim : why don’t you just kill yourself and join Christ? Don’t you want to join your saviour?

Christian : !*~?”% cant!

Muslim : why not? It’ not like suicide it forbidden in your Bible, unless you can show us it is.

Christian : im not to converse with devil’s like you.


Nigerian Christian : Sir, I have a problem and need your urgent assistant.

"White" Christian Missionary : What seems to be the problem?

Nigerian Christian : A Muslim guy posted on  Facebook,  Rebecca was a child bride. He used the Hebrew word "NAAR" as evidence to prove she was a child. Can you help me refute him please.

"White" Christian Missionary : can you help me with the chapter and verse

Nigerian Christian : sure, Genesis 24:57-59, I really need you to help me refute him.

"White" Christian Missionary : wait let me get back to you

Nigerian Christian : do hurry sir!

"White" Christian Missionary : The Muslim guy is correct "NAAR" does mean child or little girl. I've also consulted with my Messianic Jewish friends, experts in the Hebrew language they all agree it mean child.

Nigerian Christian : Ohh noo! What am I going to do now? I said I will refute him!

"White" Christian Missionary : I'll tell you what to do, just ignore him for now don’t even bother responding to any of his posts. Pretend you're busy with something else, he'll eventually forget what your said and won't call you up on it.

Nigerian Christian : thank you sir, god bless you

"White Christian Missionary : Shalom to you, and remember we are always here to help you. now go and preach to the nations the good news


Muslim : does Yahweh have parents? Christian : No! Muslim : why? Christian : because he is "God" how can God have parents are you stupid! Muslim : ok the, does Jesus have a father? Christian : Yes! Muslim : and who is his father? Christian : God! Muslim : so God can have a son but not parents or grand parents? Christian : yes he can, and no he cant. listen your so confusing, im not going to engage with you anymore


Muslim : does Yahweh hate sinners?

Christian : No! He doesn't hate sinner, He loves him. He hates the sin they do.

Muslim : so why then does he punish the sinner not the sin? wheres the love in that?

Christian : because the sinner has to pay for what he did.

Muslim : so, in reality Yahweh doesn't love the sinner. why say he hates the sin when the sinner punished?

Christian : Jesus loves you!

Muslim : i can see your changing the subject. ok where did Jesus say he love me?

Christian : read the Bible!

Muslim : i have and haven't found that saying you Christians boast!

Christian : i will pray for you


Korede : Hi my name is Korede, im a Christian from Nigeria
Saudi Muslim : Khhhello : (trying to speak English)
Korede : I would like to talk to you about Jesus

Saudi Muslim : I don’t speak geenglish (English) Hal tatakallam ala'rabiyya? (Do you speak Arabic?)
korede : sorry?
Saudi Muslim : Hal tatakallam ala'rabiyya? (Do you speak Arabic?)
Korede : I don’t understand what your saying:
Saudi Muslim  Hal tatakallam ala'rabiyya ant ghabbih  ? (Do you speak Arabic you jackass?)

Korede : I want to talk about Jesus
Saudi Muslim : errr holly hooly holy ghoost? (Holy Ghost)

Korede : yes yes I have the Holy Ghost so listen to me

Saudi Muslim : you hooly ghoost (Holy Ghost ) speak in Arabic?
Korede : im sorry to disturb you

Is Isa AS [Jesus] a Muslim?

The question posed by Christians is, how is Jesus a Muslim according to the Qur’an, alternatively where did Jesus call himself a Muslim?  ...