Wednesday, 6 March 2019


Rabbi Yaron Reuven proves the Torah is Divine by a fish? What's worse he lies by claiming the Torah says, "you'll find a fish with just fins, but you'll never find a fish with just scales". A blatant lie by the rabbi, no such saying is found anywhere in the Torah, if so maybe the rabbi can show us. Why didn't the rabbi quote the chapter and verse or even the book? Interestingly, this saying is found in the Talmud, which the rabbis takes as the Torah.

We learned in a mishna elsewhere (Nidda 51b): Any fish that has scales certainly has fins, but there are fish that have fins and do not have scales. Any fish that has scales and fins is a kosher fish. If it has fins but no scales, it is a non-kosher fish. (Talmud Chullin 66b)

If this is the way to prove the Torah by lying, then well done. Rabbis used the Oral Law to prove the Torah? We'll ignore the first part about kosher, which really took the biscuit.

Even if we take the rabbis Talmudic saying as proof, does it really stand the test? The answer is no.

Okay so a fish is a limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in water. So, saying you will never find a fish without fins is contradicting the definition of a fish. There are plenty of fish without scales, but none without fins, why? Because that's the sole definition of a fish. So next time a rabbi uses this as proof, ask him this. What is a fish? If a fish is still considered a fish even when it doesn't have fins, then whats a fish? If a "fish" is animal that lives in the ocean than I can give you hundreds with scales and no fins.
what a joke!

Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?

                               Christian claim: Isa AS had knowledge of the unseen?     Christians have been presenting strange ...