Friday, 9 October 2020

Exodus 24:12 Oral law

 "The LORD said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and wait there, and I will give you the stone tablets with the Torah (תּוֹרָה)and commandments which I have inscribed to instruct them.” (Exodus 24:12)

According to Exodus, Moses went up Mount Sinai where he received the tablets, the Torah and commandments. Did you catch the problem?


Moses received the "TORAH" alongside the tablets and commandments. Yet the Jews claim Moses wrote the Torah found in the Bible? If that's the case, what did he receive in mount Sinai? The verse is clear, Moses received the Torah. Where exactly is this Torah?


 Nowhere in the 5 books known as the "Torah" do we find anywhere written where Moses wrote them. bear in mind Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are stories and events of Moses and the children of Israel.  Ask yourself this question how do you know Genesis was written by Moses? Where exactly does it say Moses wrote Genesis or any of the books? It's all through tradition. Learned Jews know perfectly well the Pentateuch was not written by Moses. 


Also, notice the text says, God has written them to teach them. this would refer to the oral law which Christians reject.  Rashi a giant Jewish scholar writes in his commentary


את לחת האבן והתורה והמצוה אשר כתבתי להורתם [AND I WILL GIVE THEE] THE TABLETS OF STONE, AND THE LAW, AND THE COMMANDMENT WHICH I HAVE WRITTEN TO TEACH THEM — All the six hundred and thirteen commandments are implicitly contained in the Ten Commandments and may therefore be regarded as having been written on the tablets. Rabbi Saadia specified in the אזהרות which he has composed those commandments which may be associated with each of the Ten Commandments. (Rashi commentary on Exodus 24:12)


Now this might be a lot for Christians to swallow however, looking at it from a neutral stance shows the Torah is not the 5 books found in the Bible known as the Pentateuch.


If Richard Dawkins wrote a book on Christianity and Atheism and quoted a few verses from the Old & New Testament, will you call his book the inspired word of God? Of-course not that will be foolish. Instead you will say his book has a few citations from the Bible hence, it is not the inspired word of God, rather words of God extracted from the inspired books and added to his book. In a similar way when we say your book (bible) is corrupted, we mean there may be some words here and there which were revealed to the Prophets by God that may be embedded within your texts. We do not believe those writings to be the direct verbatim words of the prophets, rather paraphrases. The Quran is our criteria. When we read a text, which parallels to what we believe then we will not have an issue with it, nor will we call it corrupt. Take for example Surah 5:45 something similar if found in your bible Exodus 24:21. So Corruption does not mean the whole body of the text is infected, rather there may be some text which hold truth, again one has to use the Quran as the criteria, but generally your bible is corrupted and cannot be taken as authority.

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