Thursday, 21 June 2018

No Contradiction

korede is at it again, this time he claims to have found “another contradiction”. one thing i can confirm is, it’s another copy and paste from an anti Muslim website. Korede hasn’t come up with anything new. His only mission in life is to go through anti Muslim websites and claim it for himself, how sad!

Let bury this lie Korede is using against Muslims just for some Facebook fame. Korede claims the Story of Lut Pbuh in the Quran contradicts when reading other verses side by side. He quotes 2 verses and compares them to say what did the people of Lut Pbuh say in response ? lets read the verses and find out if they really contradict. Even though the story of Lut Pbuh is found in many other chapters in the Quran, anti Muslims tend to focus on these three chapters Surah 7:82, Surah 27:56 and Surah Surah 29:29.

Now to be honest I don’t see where the contradiction is? But just to be on safe side lets find out from these anti Muslims on where this apparent contradiction is.

And his people gave NO answer but this: 
They said, "Drive them out of your city: 
these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!" 
-- Sura 7:82 & 27:56

But his people gave NO answer but this:
They said: "Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth."
-- Sura 29:29

nothing surprising on how desperate these guys have become, lets look into this apparent contradiction and see how ignorant these anti Muslims including korede have become. We shall read from context and not cherry pick so we can get the gist of what is being said.

(7:80) And remember when We sent Lot [as a Messenger to his people and he said to them:'Do you realize you practise an indecency of which no other people in the world were guilty of before you? (7:81)You approach men lustfully in place of women. You are a people who exceed all bounds. Their only answer was: 'Banish them from your town. (7:82) They are a people who pretend to be pure.' (7:81-82)

So here we read Lut Pbuh was send as a Messenger to his people. He admonished them and made them realize the practise which they were doing were indecent and no people before them had done such a thing. He also told them how they lustfully approach men rather women. Here’s where the Christians flop! They question the verse by saying “ what did the people say to Lut Pbuh”? the problem with their question is, the verse does not tell us that the people spoke to Lut Pbuh, rather THEY SPOKE AMONG THEMSELVES “Their only answer was: 'Banish them from your town. They are a people who pretend to be pure.'

Lets move on to the second related story

We also sent Lot, and recall when he told his people: "Do you commit shameless acts with your eyes open? (27:55) Do you lustfully approach men instead of women? Nay, you engage in acts of sheer ignorance." (27:56) But this had only one answer from his people. They said: "Expel Lot's folk from your city. They pretend to be absolutely clean." (27:54-56)

Once again we read Lut Pbuh admonishing his people, telling them how they commit such shameless acts, and they approach men over women? This episode is not different from Surah 7:80-82, here more spoken words by Lut Pbuh is being mentioned in addition to what he said as found in Surah 7. We also read the people SPEAKING AMONG THEMSELVES “They said: "Expel Lot's folk from your city. They pretend to be absolutely clean." Here they are not speaking directly to Lut Pbuh. The crowd who are being speoken to and speaking to themselves in rage. Also The Arabic construct "fama kaana jawaba qaumihi illa an qaloo" ("but the reply of his people was naught but that they said..") is a popular construct used to imply someone snubbing or looking down upon someone else when spoken to. It is used to imply that the speaker did not want to give the person the time of day. It implies a restricted answer to a specific question, otherwise, if his claims were true then the verse would not have said "but their reply (to that specific question) was naught but to say," rather, it would have said "but they never spoke to him but to say."

Lets more to the next episode

(29:28) We sent Lot and he said to his people: “You commit the abomination that none in the world ever committed before you. (29:29) What! Do you go to men (to satisfy your lust), engage in highway robbery, and commit evil deeds in your gatherings? ”Then they had no answer to offer other than to say: “Bring Allah's chastisement upon us if you are truthful.” (29:30) Lot said: “My Lord, aid me against these mischievous people.” (29:31) When Our emissaries brought the good news to Abraham, and said (to him): “We are surely going to destroy the inhabitants of this city; its inhabitants are immersed in wrong-doing.” (29:32) Abraham said: “But Lot is there.” They replied: “We are well aware of those who are there. We shall save him and all his household except his wife.” His wife is among those who will stay behind. (29:33) When Our emissaries came to Lot he was distressed and embarrassed on their account. They said: “Do not fear nor be distressed. We shall save you and all your household except your wife who is among those that will stay behind. (29:28-33)

This story is more longer and detailed on the destruction of the people of Lut Pbuh. Again the Message of Lut Pbuh was ongoing, he would always preach to his people. After all he was a Messenger to them and bringing them towards the straight path by preaching would be his mission. This conversation with Lut Pbuh and his people is more detailed on what else they did other than committing homosexual acts. They were also engaging in highway robbery acts, conspiring with eatch other on how they would rob and even kidnap men and rape them. This time the people SPOKE TO LUT PBUH DIRECT asking for God punishment on them, “Bring Allah's chastisement upon us if you are truthful.” The Quran is clear that ther people of Lut Pbuh were warned and they even had conversations with him telling him what they wanted.

(11:77) And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was perturbed by their coming and felt troubled on their account, and said: 'This is a distressing day.(11:78) And his people came to him rushing. Before this they were wont to commit evil deeds. Lot said: 'My people! Here are my daughters; they are purer for you. Have fear of Allah and do not disgrace me concerning my guests. Is there not even one right-minded person in your midst?' (11:79) They said: 'Surely you already know that we have nothing to do with your daughters. You also know well what we want.' (11:80)

Notice when Lut Pbuh offered the women of his town (referring to them as his daughters) they reject it and responded by saying 'Surely you already know that we have nothing to do with your daughters. You also know well what we want.'” The people of Lut Pbuh had already decided and made mention to Lut Pbuh that they were after men not women, this is soilid proof that Lut Pbuh had preach to them on many occasions and they spoke to him, Lut Pbuh did not had a one-off conversation with them like Christians claim. Below is a list of chapters where Prophet Lut Pbuh is mentioned, which Christians seem to avoid when making such bogus claims about contradictions

It’s highly embarrassing that Christians along side Korede would stoop so low to prove a point, not knowing how they only made a fool of themselves. just for the record, Korede admits his Bible has been written by over 40 Authors.which means his Bible is not the word of God, but rather words of 40 men.

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