Sunday, 17 February 2019

Yahweh breaks his promise?

We read in the book of Jeremiah, how Yahweh lied to Jeremiah and broke his promise to king Zedekiah. How evil is that! Let's read the passage.

4 “‘Yet hear the Lord’s promise to you, Zedekiah king of Judah. This is what the Lord says concerning you: You will not die by the sword; 5 you will die peacefully. As people made a funeral fire in honor of your predecessors, the kings who ruled before you, so they will make a fire in your honor and lament, “Alas, master!” I myself make this promise, declares the Lord.’” (Jeremiah 34:4-5)

It's clear from the above passage Yahweh promises Zedekiah will die a peaceful death. But the question is did he? Let's find out

8 but the Babylonian army pursued King Zedekiah and overtook him in the plains of Jericho. All his soldiers were separated from him and scattered, 9 and he was captured.He was taken to the king of Babylon at Riblah in the land of Hamath, where he pronounced sentence on him. 10 There at Riblah the king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes; he also killed all the officials of Judah. 11 Then he put out Zedekiah’s eyes, bound him with bronze shackles and took him to Babylon, where he put him in prison till the day of his death. (Jeremiah 52:8-11)

That doesn't sound peaceful in any way. Watching his sons get killed in front of him, then having his own eyes put out and after thrown into prison till the end of his days. How was Yahweh's promise fulfilled. Just because zedekiah wasn't killed by the sword, this doesn't explain why his sons and his eyes were taken from him and rot in prison as something peaceful.
This concludes Yahweh lied and didn't not fulfil his promise. How could you trust such a God and expect salvation when he openly lied to his prophet?


what a fascinating Contradiction!

Imagine two books speaking of the same event, yet they completely lose the plot. Let's read each passage, and see if you can spot the difference

While Josiah was king, Pharaoh Necho king of Egypt went up to the Euphrates River to help the king of Assyria. King Josiah marched out to meet him in battle, but Necho faced him and killed him at Megiddo. Josiah’s servants brought his body in a chariot from Megiddo to Jerusalem and buried him in his own tomb. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz son of Josiah and anointed him and made him king in place of his father. (2 kings 23:29-30)

So, from the above passage it's crystal clear, King Josiah was slain at Magiddo. Servants brought his dead body to Jerusalem. Yet when we read the exact same situation from the book of Chronicles, we find a compete contradictory passage.
Josiah, however, would not turn away from him, but disguised himself to engage him in battle. He would not listen to what Necho had said at God’s command but went to fight him on the plain of Megiddo.Archers shot King Josiah, and he told his officers, “Take me away; I am badly wounded.” So, they took him out of his chariot, put him in his other chariot and brought him to Jerusalem, where he died. He was buried in the tombs of his ancestors, and all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for him. (2 chronicles 35:22-24)

Wait a sec, according 2 Chronicles King Josiah was wounded at Magiddo and not killed. His Servants brought him alive to Jerusalem, where he died, contradicting 2 kings 23:29-30
In short:

2 Kings 23:29-30 tells us King Josiah was slain at Magiddo. Servants brought his dead body to Jerusalem. Whereas 2 Chronicles 35:22-24 tells us King Josiah was wounded at Magiddo. Servants brought him alive to Jerusalem where he died.
Such super contradiction in the supposed inspired word of God!

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