Friday, 23 September 2016

Do the verses differ or are they all connected ?

Why do the Surah's seem like they differ, do they differ like Christians claim?

Recently a non Muslim posted why are the same stories found in the Quran said differently, and he gave the example of Surah 7:13 and Surah 38:77 let's study those verses and get an understanding of how each statements are made and if they do differ.. This paper will destroy any notions of doubts posed by non Muslims regarding the story of Iblis being disobedient 


He said, "Get down from it ! It is not for thee to wax arrogant here. So go forth! Thou art surely among those who are humble." (Surah 7:13)

Let's study the next verse for the very same event.

He, " Go forth from it! Surely thou art outcast! And surely my curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgement (Surah 38:77-76)


Now at first you may read both passages and think yes they do differ, even though they are the same even. This is the beauty of the Quran as I will explain In Shaa Allah 
Notice that various stories and past event are found in different chapters of the Quran example story of Moses can be found in many chapters like Surah 2 Surah 19 Surah 20 Surah 26 etc. Bear in mind each time diffrent parts are told of the story sometimes you get the full story other times a fist of the story Same for many other Prophets and events. This is also applied for the story of Iblis and his disobedience not only is this story found in Surah 7 and Surah 38 we also find it in surah 2 Surah 15 Surah 17 and Surah 18. 

Let's read how these stories make as One whole Event without Any breaks. We have already read Surah 7:13 and Surah 38:77-76 let's read what Surah 17  and Surah 15 says 

And when we said unto the Angels, "Prostrate before Adam," they all Prostrated, save Iblis. He said, "Shall I prostrate before one whom thou has created of clay?" 
(Surah 17:61)

He said, Go forth from it! Surely thou art outcast, and surely the curse shall be upon thee till the day of judgment!" He said, "My Lord! Grant me respite till the day they are resurrected." He said, Then verily thou art amongst those granted respite till the day of the Moment known. (Surah 15:34-38)

If we say Surah 7:13 was spoken He said, "Get down from it ! It is not for thee to wax arrogant here. So go forth! Thou art surely among those who are humble." And then if we add Surah 38 " Go forth from it! Surely thou art outcast! And surely my curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgement. 

Now if we add the two verses together then it would say 


"Get down from it ! It is not for thee to wax arrogant here. So go forth! Thou art surely among those who are humble."" Go forth from it! Surely thou art outcast! And surely my curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgement.

Let's add a third verse from another Surah 

"Get down from it ! It is not for thee to wax arrogant here. So go forth! Thou art surely among those who are humble."" Go forth from it! Surely thou art outcast! And surely my curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgement." He said, "My Lord! Grant me respite till the day they are resurrected." He said, Then verily thou art amongst those granted respite till the day of the Moment known. 

So from the above I've added Surah 7 Surah 38 and Surah 15 see how it all fits together and separately ALLAHU AKBAR.

Now Let's add a forth Surah 

"Get down from it ! It is not for thee to wax arrogant here. So go forth! Thou art surely among those who are humble."" Go forth from it! Surely thou art outcast! And surely my curse shall be upon thee till the Day of Judgement." "Dost thou see this which thou hast honoured above me? If thou dost grant me Reprieve till the day of Resurrection, I shall surely gain mastery over his progeny, all save a few." He said, "My Lord! Grant me respite till the day they are resurrected." He said, Then verily thou art amongst those granted respite till the day of the Moment known. 

As you can see We have four different Chapters  Surah 7 Surah 38 Surah 15 Surah 17 and added them together  as one to show that the statements do not differ rather they are Complete, together or separate the statements all fit. its the non Muslims whos hearts are harder and they try to find faults when there is none. 

Shame on those people who lie


Was Satan a jinn a very big YES

another point I would like to address is that non Muslims love saying that you Muslims say that Satan (Iblis) is a Jinn and try to throw the verse found in the Quran that Allah Swt told angels to prostrate to Adam Pbuh and Iblis was amongst them which makes Iblis an Angel? 

Actually they are wrong  their wishful thinking and ignorance never fails to amuse us. Firstly Allah Swt tells us in the  Quran that Iblis was a Jinn, this is found in Surah 18:50 secondly we know from the very same Quran in chapter 7 that Allah Swt did tell Satan why did he not prostrate when Allah commanded him to!

Indeed, We created you, then we formed you, then we said unto the Angels, " Prostrate yourself before Adam." And they all prostrated, save iblis; he was not amongst those who protested. He said " WHAT PREVENTED THEE FROM PROSTRATING WHEN I COMMANDED THEE?"..... (Surah 7:12)

Notice from the  above verse Allah Swt exclusively Commanded Ibis to Prostate.  "What prevented you from prostrating, when I commanded you to do so"? Iblis is singled out here.  So from this verse, and others which are related to this story makes clear distinction between the Angels and iblis, Both kind were commanded to prostrate.

This paper should be sufficient to clear the doubts our non Muslims have !!

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