Friday, 23 September 2016

Your Questions will only backfire

Christians need to quit asking questions which will only backfire on them !

Christians  keep using the same old busted argument Muslims say the Bible is corrupted and distorted so is Prophet Muhammed Pbuh found in the distorted text? And the answer is whether he is found in the distorted text or not this doesn't affect any Muslims what it should do is effect you guys why. because if the Quran tells is the description of Prophet  Muhammed Pbuh is to be found in your scriptures and it isn't then you guys have a serious problem with your book.

Think of it like this you, Christians claim that the Bible is the absolute word of God 100% intact no corruptions or distortions and it talks about everything a human needs to know, it prophecies the future events in details, this will happen in the future that will happen this land was spoken in detail geographically, this was discovered which the Bible mentioned and archaeological findings says this says that blah blah blah.... 

Yet when we ask you guys does the Bible speak of Islam, Muslims, Quran or Prophet Muhammed Pbuh by name you guys say no  it doesn't. Can you imagine this encyclopedia that you have  doesn't mention of Prophet Muhammed Pbuh or Islam how absurd. A religion which is the fasted growing on the planet people of all different faiths are accepting it and has the biggest followers, the Bible forget to mention.

This tells me that your Bible is very very unreliable it doesn't know anything of the future had it known the future then surely it would of mentioned Prophet Muhammed Pbuh wether by name or Description..

Let's also not forget the way Christians love saying Prophet Muhammed Pbuh is not found in their book think how the Jews do the same by saying Jesus Pbuh is not found in their books. Yet you Christians insist he does... Double standards indeed 

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The Name Messiah.

Christians keep asking the same question repeatedly, like as if they are deficient in understanding. Either they are conniving, with the sol...