Friday, 23 September 2016

What is the Age of consent for marriage in the bible?

If one scans through the bible, in order to search the Age of consent for marrying a boy or girl you will never find such a verse or passage. Now one may say what difference does that make we know the one getting married should be mature enough I.e ( grown up who has attained puberty etc... ), but that's not the case according to the bible that Christians love bashing on everyone...

I'm not going to discuss the ideology of the Jews since they have an oral transmitted law book the Mishnah also as the collected compiled books Talmud I.e (jurisprudence, and interpretation of the Torah/Tanach itself) the idea that Christians have is in Islam child marriages are permitted and not in the bible? AGAIN I WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE QUESTION WHERE IN THE ENTIRE BIBLE WETHER YOU READ THE 73 BOOKS OR 66 BOOK WILL YOU FIND THE AGE OF CONSENT FOR MARRIAGE? AND THE ANSWER IS NOWHERE!!!!!


However there are passages found where CHILD MARRIAGE IS NOT FORBIDDEN take for instance the Torah :

"However, if a man finds a girl who isn't engaged to be married, and he seizes her, rapes her, and is later found out, then the man who raped her must give 50 shekels of silver to the girl's father. Furthermore, he must marry her. Because he had violated her, he is to not divorce her as long as he lives.
(Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

Notice from the above disturbing passage how if a man rapes a VIRGIN GIRL he gets to Marry her providing he pays the girls father Money for the damages caused? Now the question is isn't a 3 year old girl a Virgin? How about a 4 or 5 year old Girl are they not Virgins thus this could apply to Raping a young 3,4,5,6,7 year old Girl and they get Married to the man who viciously Raped them? Let's ask our Christian friends what is the AGE CONSENT OF A VIRGIN GIRL FOR THIS PASSAGE?

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