Friday, 23 September 2016

Not a Shred of Evidence

Where are the records?

Caiaphas didn't say this on his own. As chief priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation. (John 11:51)


Surely such a statement would of been recorded by the scribes of the high priest? How comes it was only John who recorded this so called Prophecy and nobody ekes did? Are you saying these scribes who followed Jesus day in day out, who were the learned men's of the region did not record the words of the High priest?... Do you really believe that? This only tells us John made up such a utterance.

Next problem the trial with Sanhedrin, was the trial of Jesus documented? Surely a trial of such a scale should of been documented so where are the written evidence? We are talking about the High Priest the Pharisees the members of Sanhedrin Present for a trial of a man who apparently was charged for blasphemy yet not a shred of written documents from any Jewish scribes, but only Mark,Matthew, Luke and John recorded? How absurd. We are told an earthquake took place the skies darkened for hours the temple curtain torn apart, yet nothing was documented? No historian no Jewish scribe Pharisee no one recorded such an event?

This raises another question if Jesus was supposed have been crucified  before Passover according to John 18:28 & John 19:14-16, this means the High priest and Jewish learned men's were not serious about their tradition found in the Torah.. Think about it a religious festival (ritual ) which comes once a year on a specific day was not taken seriously by the Jewish leaders just so they can convict a man who was already preaching for years? Wouldn't it make more sense that the Jewish leaders would keep Jesus in custody until the Passover was complete so they can complete their normal preparation day errands and consume work after all is complete? Not like they took the trial more serious then religious work..


The trial with Pontius Pilate 

Surely we should have loads of Evidence for this epic trial, not only were the Jews aware of such an event according to the gospels the Romans could never deny it that's if it really happened!!

In the nineteenth century an eminent scholar, Rabbi Wise, searched the records of Pilate’s court, still extant, for evidence of this trial. He found nothing. (Lloyd Graham, Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, p. 343)

Let's find out from Christians since they brag that we should ask them if we are in doubt?

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