Saturday, 19 November 2016

Torah corruption confirmed by New Testament Bible scholars!

And when you have crossed the Jordan, set up these stones on MOUNT EBAL, as I command you today, and coat them with plaster. 
(Deuteronomy 27:4 Masoretic text). 

                                                                     Compare to

And when you have crossed the Jordan, set up these stones on MOUNT GERIZIM, as I command you today, and coat them with plaster. (Deuteronomy 27:4 Samaritan text)


The above problematic verses have only one solution, and that is which one is correct and which is corrupted?  Thanks to the bible scholars we have a confirmation that the Torah has been tampered with. Let's read the commentary for these verses.

And therefore it shall be, when ye be gone over Jordan,.... Some time after they had passed that river: 

that ye shall set up these stones, which I command you this day, in Mount Ebal; a mountain near Shechem in Samaria, and was, as Benjamin of Tudela says (r), dry as stones and rocks itself, and perhaps had its name, as some think (s), from the root in the Arabic language which signifies to strip a tree of its leaves, and a derivative from it, white stones and a mountain in which such are found. Hither the stones commanded to be set up were to be brought, and fixed here; from whence it is not certain; it may be from some part of the mountain. Here the Samaritan version has Gerizim instead of Ebal, which is generally thought to be a wilful corruption of the Samaritans, in favour of their temple built at Gerizim: 

Adam Clarke Commentary 

Not only that, we can see another interesting account by Adam Clarke, a Christian commentator where he shows another intentional corruption made by the Jews against the Samaritans. He said in his commentary on Deu 27:4 –

“Set up these stones – in Mount Ebal – So the present Hebrew text , but the  Samaritan has Mount Gerizim. Dr. Kennicott has largely defended the reading of the Samaritan in his second dissertation on the present state of the Hebrew text , and Dr. Parry has defended the Hebrew against the Samaritan. Many still think Dr. Kennicott’s arguments unanswerable, and have no doubt that the Jews have here corrupted the text through their enmity to the Samaritans. “

Notice how blatantly the commentators are using the word “CORRUPTION” to inform the reader that such tampering had taken place This is sufficient evidence to prove that the Torah has been corrupted even if it's one word it's still proof of distortion. This also shows the Torah you have is not “100%” the word of God. And there's many more places we can show you where changes have been made.
So here again Adam Clarke didn’t just accuse the Jews for corrupting the manuscripts due to their hostility with Christians only, but also they did the same with Samaritans, and with Muslims when they changed the name of Abraham's offered son to Isaac (Pbut).

How about this to make matters even worse.

"When the LORD your God brings you into the land and helps you take possession of it, you must pronounce the blessing at Mount Gerizim and the curse at Mount Ebal. (Deuteronomy 11:29)

The above verse in the Masoretic text explicitly makes the distinction between the two mountains, “Mount Gerizim and Mount Elba”. Just in case Christians try to say the Samaritan and Masoretic speaks of the same mountain which has two different names. Sorry there’s no way out on this one.

These may be just some examples of what I have seen from Christian writings, and for sure if we dug more through various books, we may find more issues showing other issues. Actually if we went through early and medieval Muslim writings, we may find many quotes from Jewish and Christian writings talking about Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in a very explicit way which are not present in the Bible. But if the Jews are actually proven to behave  the way described above, then I tend to believe Muslim scholars, especially that this is against both Christian and Jewish beliefs.

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