Sunday, 20 November 2016

Christians got it wrong

"You are not yet fifty years old," they said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!
(John 8:57)


Notice from the above text, once read from context we find that the jews and jesus were having a face to face dialogue. Jesus spoke about Abraham that he was waiting to see his days..

“Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.” (v56)

Yet the jews answered back :

"You are not yet fifty years old," they said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!
(John 8:57)

Now why did the jews say YOU ARE NOT FIFTY YEARS OLD? AND YOU HAVE SEEN ABRAHAM?? What difference would it make if jesus was 500 years old since the time gap between Abraham and Jesus would have been 4000 years...

Unless they were speaking of a man who lived during the time of Jesus called Abraham which would make more sense saying your not fifty and you know Abraham.

Its like saying your not 60 years old how can you say you saw JFK ( ex president) now the question is if jesus was meant to declare his divinity then why didnt he say before Adam was Iam?? Thats if we take the Iam as God even though thats not what it means! Why stop at Abraham how about Noah do you see the problem this causes for christians

This tells us according to john there must of been a man during the first century called Abraham whom the jews were taking as a pious man

Here's another problem 

John 8:57

TEXT: "and have you seen Abraham?"
EVIDENCE: p66 Sc A B C D K L W X Delta Theta Pi Psi ff13 28 33 565 700 892 1010 1241 Byz Lect lat vg syr(p,h,pal) most cop(north)

NOTES: "and has Abraham seen you?"
EVIDENCE: p75 S* 0124 syr(s) one cop(north) cop(south)


COMMENTS: A few copyists apparently changed the Jews' question to be more like Jesus' statement in verse 56 ("he would see my day; and he saw [it]").
this changes the entire notion of the IAM saying wouldn't you say!
Textual Variant 

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