Monday, 27 May 2019

God of the Bible is not love

Christians tell us God is love, and love has always been a part of God from the beginning. They claim, God cannot be love or show love unless there was someone with him to receive this love. Therefore, they conclude, Jesus was that person who was with God from beginning and that’s how he was able to show us and give love, you cannot show or give love if your alone?  God cannot be love if he was alone, his son was with him, therefore God was able to share his love.

This is a very bad argument from the Christian side, this claim can easily be dismantled from the very bible itself, as we shall see God willing.  God does not need someone with him to show us he was able to develop love. The nature of love was always with God before creation. Without anyone being side by side with God, He still was loving and kind.  If God needed his son to develop love so that he can show it towards his creation, what about hate?  From where did hate develop?

Are you saying in the beginning, God was love without an ounce of hate within himself, and all of a sudden after the creation of man, hatred popped up in God?

God was unaware of what hatred was, and it took thousands of years for God to realise he also had the opposite to love, something called hate? God did not know what hate was or did he?

If you say he knew hate, then you must admit he was hateful from beginning as the opposite to love is hate. You say he wasn't aware of hate from the beginning and hate was developed much later after the creation of man, then your God is not all knowing and omnipotent.

A good example of proving that the God of the Bible is not love can be summarised from the passage below.

A Parable of damnation

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. (John 15:4-6)

In other words, if you don't accept Jesus as your lord and saviour then you'll be thrown in fire! So where is the love?

"If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned."

This damnation would have been decided by God before sending this "Son" on earth, which would mean God had already planned to throw people in the fire who rejected his "Son"

Jews claim the "Torah" has always been with God before the creation of the earth and man

the gift of the Torah, was only the revelation of a law which had existed since before man had been created; (Akeidat Yitzchak Gate 46:1:7)

Torah which pre-existed (קדמה) the world. (Commentary Rashi on Deuteronomy Chapter 2:26:1)

If the Torah existed before creation as Jews claim, then the very same Torah talks about hatred and evil towards men.  Christians must tell us how this hatred and evil developed in God if he only has his "Son" with him?  Note Satan is out of the question as the creation has not started yet. 

If God was so loving and  knew everything before time, then he surely knew he would hate Esau.

"but Esau I have hated" (Malachi 1:3)

So where did this hate come from? Who prompted God to hate Esau if he was "all loving" from the beginning? Bear in mind this hatred for Esau was predestined by God before the creation of man, since the Torah was always with God. The question is, if Jesus was the only figure with God before the creation and God already decided to hate Esau, who caused this hatred in God? The Christian understanding is God is love because Jesus his son was with him before the creation. So, who else was with God for him to hate Esau?

This hatred is not exclusive for Esau. The bible is filled with God hating one thing or another. We can conclude the God of the Bible is not loving after all.

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Hadith: Jew and Christians read from the Tawrah and Injil.

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