Friday, 23 September 2016

Shame on them for lying!


Seems like Christians are so desperate they will stoop on any level to prove a false claim. Take for example this average low level Christian by the name of Prince, since he doesn't have a clue of Arabic language nor does he want to educate himself, he turns to anti Muslim sites copying lies and making post like he's found something new?


He made a post where he wrote (copied) "will Jesus be the fuel of hell according to the Quran because Christians worship him....."


This is not new lie, it has already been tried by Christians missionaries and busted years also.


For the records I just want to inform you this was even recorded in the Seerah when Abdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ also made mention of this, In Shaa Allah we shall also address this firstly let's read the verse which Christians Mistranslate and explain it In Shaa Allah.


Surely you and what you worship besides Allah are the firewood of hell; to it you shall come. (Sura 21:98)

Let us see what the Arabic actually says in the verse 21:98.


اِنَّكُمۡ وَمَا تَعۡبُدُوۡنَ مِنۡ دُوۡنِ اللّٰهِ حَصَبُ جَهَـنَّمَؕ اَنۡـتُمۡ لَهَا وَارِدُوۡنَ‏ 


Surely you and what you worship besides Allah are the firewood of hell; to it you shall come. [Qur'ân 21:98]

The word 
"" translated as "what" in verse 21:98 is used to refer to things/objects and seldom would it refer to people. Otherwise, it would be "man" (i.e. who or whom). Thus Jesus(P) is not referred to in that verse. This verse would rather refer to idols worshipped by the pagan Arabs who lived in the time of Prophet Muhammad(P)

As you can see the text does not refer to Jesus Pbuh or people rather objects so this false claim Christians make has already lost its legs, now let's take out its entire root and completely annihilate this absurd claim made by desperate Christians.. Let's read the Seerah where this was already a topic which was explained, only if Christians actually read with their eyes!

Here is its English translation:


Ibn Ishâq said:

The Apostle of God(P) sat one day, so I have heard, with al-Walîd Ibn al-Mughîrah in the mosque, and an-Nadr Ibn al-Harith came and sat with them in the assembly where some of Quraysh were. So the Apostle spoke but an-Nadr interrupted him. Then the Apostle spoke to him until he silenced him. Then he read to him and to the others: "Verily ye and what ye serve other than God is the fuel of hell. You will come to it. If these had been gods they would not have come to it, but all will be in it everlastingly. There is wailing and there they will not hear".

Ibn Ishâq said:

Then the Apostle of God(P) left and cAbdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ as-Sahmî came and sat down. al-Walîd said to him: "By God, an-Nadr could not stand up to the (grand)son of cAbdul-Muttalib just now and Muhammad alleged that we and what we worship among these deities of ours [mâ nacbudu min 'âlihatinâ hâdhihî] are fuel for hell". cAbdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ said: "If I had found him I would have refuted him. Ask Muhammad, "Is everything which is worshipped besides God in hell with those who worship it?' We worship the angels; the Jews worship Uzayr; and the Christians worship Jesus the Son of Mary." Al-Walîd and those with him in the assembly wondered at the words of cAbdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ and saw that he had argued convincingly. When the Apostle of God(P) heard of the speech of Ibn al-Zibicrâ, he said: "Everyone who appreciates being worshipped to the exclusion of God will be with those who worship him. They worship only devils and whom they have ordered to be worshipped." So God Almighty revealed concerning that "Those who have received kindness from us in the past will be removed far from it and will not hear its sound and they abide eternally in their heart's desire", i.e., Jesus Son of Mary and Uzayr and those rabbis and monks who have lived in obedience to God, whom the erring people worship as lords beside God. And He revealed concerning their assertion that they worship angels and that they are the daughters of God,"And they say the Merciful has chosen a son, (exalted be He above this); nay, they are but honored slaves, they do not speak before He speaks, and they carry out His commands", as far as the words, "and he of them who says, I am God as well as He, that one we shall repay with Hell. Thus do they repay the sinful ones." [1]

In the quotation above, the pagans of Makkah understood that verse 21:98 concerned them specifically as well as their idols (see how they stress: "what we worship among these deities of ours"- in Arabic: mâ nacbudu min 'âlihatinâ hâdhihi). No mention of deified humans was understood. However, the question of cAbdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ - even if it was out of the real scope of the verse - came as a relief for them especially after Prophet Muhammad(P) had silenced Ibn an-Nadr one of their best orators. When the Prophet(P) heard of cAbdullâh's objection, he brought an answer to his specific question, i.e., what about the humans that are worshipped? The answer was: if and only if their being worshipped pleased them, then they will meet the same fate as their worshippers - Hell. This saves Jesus(P), Mary(P), the Angels and whatever pious people who were later worshipped against their own consent.

Further evidence 

Moreover, many Qur'ânic commentaries such as those of al-Tabarî, al-Qurtubî and Ibn Kathîr mention this quotation of Sîrah concerning the following passage of Sûrat al-Zukhruf:

When (Jesus) the son of Mary is held up as an example, behold, thy people raise a clamor thereat (in ridicule)! And they say, "Are our gods best, or he?" This they set forth to thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people. He was no more than a servant: We granted Our favor to him, and We made him an example to the Children of Israel. And if it were Our Will, We could make angels from amongst you, succeeding each other on the earth. And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way. [Qur'ân 43:57-61]

Very interestingly, al-Qurtubî had the following to say in his tafsîr, while commenting on




Ibn cAbbâs said:

This verse refers to the argument between cAbdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ and the Prophet of God(P)concerning Jesus. The one who held the example [in the verse] is cAbdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ while he was still a pagan. This took place when Quraysh reported to him that Muhammad recites: "Verily ye and what ye serve other than God is the fuel of hell." [21:98]. He said: "If I had attended him, I would have replied to him." They asked him: "What would you say?" I would say: "The Christ is worshipped by the Christians and the Jews worship  Uzayr. Are they among the firewood of hell?" Then Quraysh wondered at his words and saw that he had argued convincingly and this is the meaning of yasiddûn [raise a clamour in ridicule]. So, God revealed: "Surely (as for) those for whom the good has already gone forth from Us, they shall be kept far off from it;" [21:101]

If Ibn al-Zibicrâ had pondered on verse 21:98, he wouldn't have objected to it because it makes mention of "what ye serve" and not "whom you serve" because the verse speaks about the idols and other things, and not about Jesus nor the angels even if they are worshipped.


Two things stand out from this quotation:

Firstly, the grammatical considerations that we made in the beginning of this article according to which only inanimate things are included in verse 21:98. Al-Qurtubî stands by this opinion when commenting on verse 43:57 as well as verse 21:98.

The scholars say that Jesus, Uzayr and the angels are not meant by verse 21:98 because "mâ" [i.e., "what"] refers to inanimate things and not to people. If the verse pointed to them, it would use "man" [i.e., "who" or "whom"] instead.

As-Sâbûnî in Mukhtasar Tafsîr Ibn Kathîr points out this argument too in the explanation of verse 43:58

Regarding His divine words: "This they set forth to thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people" means: they say so for the sake of argument while they know that their argument is not applicable to this verse since it refers to things only [i.e., in the Arabic language "mâ" is used to refer to things and God Almighty used "mâ" and not "man"] and so it is in His divine speech "Verily ye and what ye serve other than God is the fuel of hell." Moreover, this verse was addressed at Quraysh who were used to worship idols and they did not worship Jesus so that he could be included here. Therefore, their answer is no more than a fake argument in which they do not believe themselves.[4]

Secondly, it is implied that Abdullâh Ibn al-Zibi râ, the one who opposed the Prophet(P) about verse 21:98, became a Muslim. The reader may check entry number 4682 in al-Isâbah[5] by Ibn Hajar where we get the confirmation that Ibn al-Zibicrâ converted to Islam and praised the Prophet(P) with his poetry. If he knew that there were a contradiction in the Qur'ân concerning Jesus(P) and whether he would go to hell, would he believe in Muhammad(P)and convert to Islam?
In conclusion, it can said that there is no difference between the arguments of cAbdullâh Ibn al-Zibicrâ when he was a pagan and the Christian missionaries of this day. The verse 21:98 does not refer to Jesus(P) at all and neither does the Qur'ân say that Jesus(P) would be going to hell. Everything points to the fact that the missionaries' argument is hollow and that they are contentious indeed!

This issue is also discussed as a logical fallacy committed by the Quraysh.

The reader would also notice that the best tafsîr of the Qur'ân is Qur'ân itself (notice how 21:98 is explained using 43:57-58), i.e., al-Qur'ân yufassiru bacduhu bacdan (different parts of the Qur'ân explain each other). What is given in a general way in one place is discussed in detail in some other place in the Qur'ân. What is dealt with briefly at one place is expanded in some other place. Such an exegesis involves the use of Context & Internal Relationships.



Tafsir Islamic Studies Tafheem 


(21:98) (They will be told): "Verily you and the gods you worshipped beside Allah are the fuel of Hell. All of you are bound to arrive there.95


95. We learn from traditions that Abdullah bin Azzaara raised an objection in this connection, saying: According to this not only our deities but Prophets Jesus and Uzair (peace be upon them) and the Angels also will become fuel for Hell because they are also worshiped. The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: Yes, everyone who would approve of his own worship instead of Allah’s will go to Hell along with those who worshiped him. He meant to say: There is no reason why Prophets Jesus and Uzair (peace be upon them) and the Angels should go to Hell because they never approved that they should be worshiped instead of Allah, and were not responsible for this. On the other hand, they taught people to worship Allah alone. Of course, those who tried to become deities and became partners in the shirk of others will certainly go to Hell along with their worshipers. Likewise those, who induced others to take deities other than Allah, will go to Hell. Satan comes under this category for he induces others to make deities. Thus it is Satan who is made the real deity whom they obey and commit shirk. Besides this, idols of stone and wood and other accessories of shirk will also be thrown into Hell along with the mushriks so that the latter should see that their deities were becoming a cause of the intensity of their torture of fire instead of becoming their intercessors.


 Ibn kathir Tafsir 


The Idolators and their gods are Fuel for Hell


Allah says to the people of Makkah, the idolators of the Quraysh and those who followed their religion of idol worship:

﴿إِنَّكُمْ وَمَا تَعْبُدُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ حَصَبُ جَهَنَّمَ﴾

(Certainly you and that which you are worshipping now besides Allah, are (but) Hasab for Hell!). Ibn `Abbas said: "Kindling.'' This is like the Ayah:

﴿وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ﴾

(whose fuel is men and stones) ﴿66:6. According to another report, Ibn `Abbas said:

﴿حَصَبُ جَهَنَّمَ﴾

(Hasab for Hell) means firewood in (the dialect of the people of) Zanjiyyah. Mujahid, `Ikrimah and Qatadah said: "Its fuel.'' Ad-Dahhak said: "The fuel of Hell means that which is thrown into it.'' This was also the view of others.

﴿أَنتُمْ لَهَا وَارِدُونَ﴾

((Surely) you will enter it.) means, you will go into it.

﴿لَوْ كَانَ هَـؤُلاءِ ءَالِهَةً مَّا وَرَدُوهَا﴾

(Had these been gods, they would not have entered there,) means, if these idols and false gods which you worshipped instead of Allah, had really been gods, they would not have entered the Hellfire.

﴿وَكُلٌّ فِيهَا خَـلِدُونَ﴾

(and all of them will abide therein forever.) means, the worshippers and the objects of their worship will all abide therein forever.

﴿لَهُمْ فِيهَا زَفِيرٌ﴾

(Therein they will be breathing out with deep sighs and roaring) This is like the Ayah:

﴿لَهُمْ فِيهَا زَفِيرٌ وَشَهِيقٌ﴾

(they will have (in the Fire), Zafir and Shahiq) ﴿11:106. Zafir refers to their exhalation, and Shahiq refers to their inhalation.

﴿وَهُمْ فِيهَا لاَ يَسْمَعُونَ﴾

(and therein they will hear not.)

There you have Christian missionaries and roadside low lever followers like prince have been exposed,  



JazakhAllahu Khair many thanks to out brothers Muhammad Ghoniem & M S M Saifullah for this academic paper which I've used as my source.

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